Power of letting go

Power of letting go

It's so powerful to let go of it all and from this free unattached space see and feel.

I thank this collective space on Facebook where I can initiate or be part of a virtual circle. It doesn't even have to be live. This virtual space surprisingly carries the same power when I step into it with purity of intent as if it were a live circle. And so your contributions made me tune into what resonated and what not and thus allowed to gain greater clarity into my own truth.

What I see so far...

Opening up even more

Opening up even more

The moment I acknowledged the state fully (referring to my previous post) and allowed myself to be seen in this by you all, there was no single bit left to hide or to deny it any more, and that in itself brought peace. Yes, it IS happening. All crumbled.

I still have no clue and still no desire for anything, 
but I can find rest in it now. Anxiety that was present a few days in a row subsided.

Intimate life... can it be fulfilling long term?

Intimate life... can it be fulfilling long term?

By Alexa Mira
Many of us have experienced in the past or are experiencing today that intimacy with our partner is not or no longer fulfilling. And even though you'd maybe want it to be different, and you even tried to improve it, it became kind of a must, something you feel you are supposed to do to be a good partner, or maybe one of you or both avoid intimacy all together. 

Let me tell you that it doesn't have to be this way at all, even in a long term relationship.