Labelled as "Highly Sensitive"?


Labelled as "Highly Sensitive"?

I often have clients or students in retreats who share with me that they are “highly sensitive”.

I’d like to learn more about it, besides what I can find online following the definition of a “highly sensitive” person. if i follow the definition I find online and the "symptoms", then I am also one. ))

Aren’t we all highly sensitive when we are not numb?

I just observe this trend that people who did not feel much, after healing emotional work of releasing past trauma’s and blockages, after opening their heart again, start naturally feel much more. And with that, whatever seemed OK previously, now can feel overwhelming.

When we are not numb, then whatever misalignment we have in our life we are going to feel much more acutely.

A highly sensitive person in my eyes at this moment means nothing else than a fully alive human being, who simply can't feel harmonious participating in all sorts of modern day insane distortions like sitting many hours a day in the office staring at computer. It becomes unbearable.

Some maybe don’t have the above office conditions, but they spend several hours a day on social media and telephone, which also over–stimulates their brain and eventually creates deeply unpleasant experience on the level of feeling, because we humans are simply not made for it.

What about highly sensitive children. The modern day education is so focused on stuffing knowledge into minds that children get way over-stimulated. Besides, they are also forced to sit at the desk with little body movements for several hours a day.

Such environments and activities naturally over-stimulate our brain because the body is mostly static and long use of digital devices over-stimulates our brain all the time, which starts generating more and more thoughts.

Emotions are derivatives of thoughts, so if we have a lot of thoughts going on, then we also have constantly changing emotional states, which is quite exhausting.

It’s not a joke that most people who are employed in jobs with similar to what I described above environments are either emotionally numb or go cou-cou either from obsessive thinking or from depression.

So, if one chooses to be engaged in jobs like these, it’s actually more sane to stay numb.

At the same time, if what is called a “highly sensitive” person would stop overstimulating their brain by all kinds of digital devices, take care of their body moving enough and spend more time in nature, wouldn’t they also naturally calm down and feel more peaceful? it does keep me balanced.

I’m curious if anyone can share your understanding of highly sensitive people and if what I write makes any sense. 🙏


About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.
