How I've been Showing Up in my own Relationships

How I've been Showing Up in my own Relationships

Day 2 of the "BEYOND fear" MasterClass was about RELATIONSHIPS .

It was vulnerable, it was deep, it was meaningful.

While preparing for the Masterclass, I took time to reflect how I've been showing up in my own relationships.

I saw that in the past, when FEAR ruled and when it translated into projections, blame or disconnect, relationships did not flourish or even ended.

When, on the other hand…

Meeting an Enlightened Being

Meeting an Enlightened Being

How is it to meet and spend time with an Enlightened Being?

It invites all the Sh.t to come up!

Things that were not felt through and parked over a lifetime, conscious & subconscious attachments, false identifications, and more. And this was alternating with moments of energetic & consciousness expansion and an even deeper devotion I felt in my heart. Devotion to Love, to my Soul's path and that of all the people I come in contact with.

I have to say I met Sai Maa with…

A message that touched us deeply

A message that touched us deeply

We received many messages in the last couple of weeks, and there is one message that stood out and touched us deeply.

It came from an 80-year old woman. I'll keep all other personal details about her anonymous. She shared this:

"I watched the episode about Tantra and found it so special how quickly people re-connected with themselves.

I am 80 years old, have had a very bumpy road and am…

A moment of FAME

A moment of FAME

This morning, I received an update from the production company Lectermedia which creates "Axel gaat Binnen" documentary series.

205.000 people watched the episode about Tantra LIVE, when it was officially aired on VTM on April 24th.

7 days later a total of 399.000 people have watched it.

And the numbers are still growing...

Speaking about reaching THOUSANDS of people!

Holy Moly! This is the power of MEDIA…

Activating our Altar

Activating our Altar

Yesterday, I activated the altar in the garden room. Alisia joined me. I gave her the first lesson in temple arts on how to activate an altar. Sit in a meditation posture in silence, connect to heart, light the candle and surrender to the goddess. Then she chose an oracle card and put it on an altar. Now… of all the goddesses, it was Kali.

After the altar got activated , she placed her hands on her heart and said…