If I died today...


Today I shared with my parents that if I died today, I would have no regrets.

Because I live not according to their ideal image, they worry that I may miss things in life and then regret it later. It's clear to me where they are coming from - they wish the best for me, like all parents do for their children.

Yet, the Best doesn't exist.

It's so different for everyone. 
What is honey for one, is poison for another.

Why would I have no regrets if I died today?

Because I was true to myself most of the time. 
And when I wasn't, I cried and took my lessons.

Because I trusted Life more than fears. 
I looked fears into the eyes one by one and keep looking if they come up. Loneliness and Darkness were the biggest encounters.

Because my choices are not governed by what others think, but by what feels right for me.

Because money was never a focus or a stopper for me. 
No, I did not always have abundance, but I trusted Life and made my choices based on inner calling, joy and inspiration. The rest followed.

Because I dropped the illusion to ever become "perfect". Transformation stopped making sense. All is perfect already.

Because I feel no residue in me towards anyone, nothing unexpressed. Authenticity was and is my guiding light.

Because I got what it means to surrender to Life and had a chance to live it. This was my biggest childhood dream.

Because I had plenty of time to live this Life already until this day.

And I am grateful to live every extra day that is gifted to me.
Thank you, Life. 💗



About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.
