From Self-pleasure to Self-love


From Self-pleasure to Self-love

Tantric self-pleasure moves way beyond traditional understanding of self-pleasure.

Traditionally under self-pleasure people understand rubbing their genitals or masturbating.

Tantric self-pleasure includes it too, but touching genitals in an arousing way is maybe just about 1% of what is understood under self-pleasure in Tantra.

Instead, it embraces ALL of you, not only the genital part of you or just the physical part of you. It is rather in the dimension of holistic self-love.

The slightest touch on your hand can awaken your life force and from then on it's unpredictable where it will take you. You better embrace and follow it all the way... being curious where it will lead you.

Mostly people try to manipulate their life force trying to fit it into a box of how it should be, instead of embracing fully what is!

"I want to feel this, not this."

"My energy stopped and I want it to be moving. I'm frustrated that I get distracted again and again."

One of the participants came to me today during the self-pleasure ritual which I invited them to do on a whole new level. He shared: "I don't know what's going on, but my life energy switches on and off, I feel it and the next moment I don't feel it any more. It's like it's not under my control."

You are right, it's not under your control. 
It wants you to surrender any control you claim to have. 
it wants you to give up any idea, any concept you have about how it should move. 
It invites you to embrace ALL of yourself, including the You who is not feeling it moving.

What emotion do you feel when it stops moving?


Go into frustration. 
Feel it, move it in your body, express it! 
Don't try to brush it away. 
Otherwise you are manipulating.

Frustration is there and your mind thinks there should be something else instead. So you try to ignore it and look for the energy flow elsewhere in your body, but you can't find it anywhere else, because the energy now moves as frustration and you deny it.

In fact, you can't go deeper, unless you move through frustration.

The same with pain, boredom, irritation, repulsion, you name it!

Many people would normally stop if they'd experience any of the above during self-pleasure, but it's actually the opposite - we simply can breath and move through any of these so called "unpleasant" experiences thus embracing each and every color of the shakti movement through us.

Such Self-pleasure where we embrace all that arises and still breath and move through it is nothing else than unconditional Self-love. And we go deeper and deeper...

Life energy invites us to become simple, spontaneous and authentic.

A child laughs one moment and next moment he cries without any self-judgement. Only adults seem to have an opinion about this and that expression of the the powerful life force that moves through all of us.

Good luck to take this infinite life force under control... you better learn to play along.

It's there not to harm you, it's your first and utmost friend, guide, adviser, if you care to listen. <3


About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.
