Each of us chooses where we live our life from.
Most people live from CIRCUMSTANCES.
"If <external or internal reality aligns>, then I'll do what I want/need to do."
"If/when I have enough money, then I'll go to that conference, program, vacation destination."
"When I will feel confident enough, then I will take that step to launch my program, to quit my job, to start something new, to go on adventure."
"If/when my children don't need me any more, then I will <fill in the blanc>"
What people do not realize is that by living this way, they let circumstances RULE THEIR LIFE.
It's not only NOT fun, it's also extremely confusing to have to align our inner being to circumstances all the time.
The result is that people loose connection with their inner compass/guidance/wisdom... and with deep fulfillment and gratitude that is naturally there when we live a life from our inner Being. People get confused about themselves and life, feeling stuck. They spend all their life dealing with circumstances, solving problems, creating fixes. It never ends.
There is another way.
To let your INNER BEING lead the way such that your circumstances start aligning to YOU, to your calling, to your dream.
Follow your Joy, follow your Yes, follow your Inspiration.
You have this idea that you need to be somewhere and for your mind it doesn't make much sense (because of family, money, other commitments)? GO and dare to find out what this deeper calling is about. Share with your family, see their response, dare to feel deeper.
You get a sense you are in the wrong place professionally. Amazing! Connect to your desire and dare to share it, to follow it. You are ready to evolve, to face your fears, to blow up the edges of your identity and discover who you can become. Maybe what you desire is available right where you are, and maybe you'll see that it's time to move on.
You feel like many areas of your life are in dissonance with how you want to live this life. Great insight! Connect to your desires and start integrating what you love into your daily life. Make it a PRIORITY. You love dancing? Dance! You love traveling? Travel!
Stop trying to solve all the problems in your life before you can start living. The problem is not that you have a problem, it's that YOU CAN'T STOP creating problems to fix.
SHIFT the focus to what you desire to create and direct your attention there. You will quickly notice you don't have time for all the other "stuff" that you used to spend your life on.
Dare to COMMIT before circumstances give you the evidence that you can, and let the circumstances align in the most magnificent way. Claim your power to CREATE your life. It's equally available to all of us, and is only limited by what we believe to be true.
By what we believe to be TRUE.
You choose.