Living our Truth

Yesterday, at the Mother's Day celebration lunch, we as a family opened the conversation de-briefing our episode about Tantra that was aired a couple of weeks ago on VTM.

The conversation quickly took us to the theme of living our Truth, which is the red line of the Tantra work we are doing.

Truth as a deep INNER calling, not as a set of values and beliefs we identify with.

In Tantra, we call it living our Dharma.

How many people in this world do the jobs they don't love?

How many people stay in the relationships where they are not happy?

How many people live out of self-protection, rather than openness to Life?

And the biggest reason why so many people are literally STUCK in their lives is because the majority either don't believe it's POSSIBLE to live differently, or they believe that it's not possible to live differently for THEM.

"It's LIFE", they say.

Living our Dharma, which is unique for every living being, is what makes us stop asking ourselves questions:

"Who am I?"

"What am I doing here?"

"What is this life about?"

Once the Identity is surrendered to the Higher Path, all these questions fall away.

And also, we stop accumulating contractions in our BODY and therefore dis-eases.

Pharmaceutical industry is thriving on this one common SYMPTOM - people have disconnected from their NATURE. All sorts of illnesses stem from this one root cause. From depressions to cancer, and all in between.

To live our deepest Truth, we have to become friends with FEAR.

Fear shows its face when we touch on the edges of what we know about ourselves and the world. In other words, when we touch on the Unknown.

Becoming friends with Fear means becoming friends with the Unknown. Trusting the Unknown.

How can you trust the Unknown? you may ask.

You can't if you think you are something else than the Great Mystery itself.

The Unknown, the Great Mystery is our true nature.

It is who You and I are in our very Essence. Once you realize this, then living your deepest Truth is the only thing that makes sense.

The Person, aka Identity is a psychological construct created within the Unknown. We did not get born with it.

We are not our Identity.

Trusting the Unknown means trusting our Selves.

This trust in our Selves is often referred to as COURAGE. It is not the absence of fear, but the ability to act in spite of fear that our Identity feels.

And for this, the human self needs CAPACITY.

How do we increase the capacity to hold and be with Fear, so it doesn't derail us from our True path?

In Tantra, we cultivate this capacity through embodiment practices, meditation, cultivating energy and dropping into the Great Mystery that we are.

Through these practices you become more relaxed, embodied and spacious to face the FEAR and do what's RIGHT instead of what's SAFE and familiar.

If you feel called to go all the way down the rabbit hole and uncover the layers of who you are, your life purpose and your Dharma, we invite you to join our advanced Tantra Modules 5&6 "Love, Devotion & Dharmic Living" in Bali on January 11-18th, 2025, where it is possible to step into already after Modules 1&2 (upon application).

With love,

Alexa Mira