Being Real


Some believe that if you are honest, it means you are real.

If it would be that easy...

Ok, honesty is already not easy for many people. Most of us wear masques to disguise our thoughts and emotions in order to preserve a well-constructed self-image. But being real is yet another dimension. Honesty could be just one little step towards being real, if at all.

Honesty means sharing thoughts and emotions as they are, without pretending there is something else going on inside.

Yet, how real are these thoughts and emotions?

They feel real. Yet, are they real?

Have you noticed that today you have one thought and tomorrow you may have exactly the opposite one about the same subject? Or maybe not tomorrow, but in a few years you suddenly find yourself having different values, different ideas, different thoughts. Does what you think make you real then?

Our thoughts are just a form of energy that is created by certain events bouncing back against the beliefs we hold as true inside of us.

But how real are our beliefs?

Most of them we inherit or re-actively conclude based on life experiences. And life experiences are also subjective and therefore not real.

Policemen know when talking to several witnesses of the same event. 4 people witness the same accident yet they report 4 different points of view. How real is their experience? It's completely filtered through their limited perception which is unique for everyone.

So, what is real then? Is there anything you can ever trust or bank on?

The only one things that is real is the fact that I AM. Right here right now I AM. In the very same way as you ARE. And from this Being everything else arises, comes and goes, dances and falls apart, goes up and down. And yet, no matter how much it all moves, the fact that I AM and that you ARE doesn't change. It's the only thing that doesn't change. The only Real thing.

And realizing this makes me so grateful to be alive.

Let me meet You in your Realness.


About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.
