Morning Rituals


I love our morning hours of waking up next to you, my love, seeing you still sleeping and knowing that any minute you will feel my gaze and open your eyes too. But more often it’s me who wakes up feeling your gaze on me. Slowly coming out of the dream land, seeing your soft smile as a warm welcome into the new day. These moments are so precious. You often told me when we just met that the first thing you wanted to see upon waking up is me and the last thing you want to see before going to bed is me. It sounded very romantic and unreal. And yet, it’s been a reality now for more than a year and I just would not do it any other way. You created such a beautiful ritual and I so gladly became part of it: starting the day and completing the day by us connecting. Often you make me feel so light and also somewhat childish in the mornings, either covering me tightly with a blanket as if it was freezing cold outside or start rolling with me making me feel like two panda’s joyfully feeling life with their bodies. Every day, it makes me feel taken care of, safe, loved. This morning you called me an eskimo.. haha! It makes me have a biiiig smile on my face all day long as if you gave me the best compliment ever. :-)

Wake up your darling with care and love. 
This makes a whole difference to the day! <3

#daretoberomantic #simplejoysoflife #littlerituals


About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.
