
connection with myself, connection with another, be it a man or a woman, no matter how long I know them, or with nature - it is so profoundly beautiful. Connection that emerges when I let go of everything I hold on to, like beliefs, emotions, expectations, protection, fears. All of it needs to go for a connection to happen. A true connection is so simple, so innocent - like being a child again.

I, like many others, in my childhood was conditioned to open up only to certain people who were either part of the family or friends, and to be suspicious of all others, because they could potentially harm me. Of course, the intention of my parents was very understandable – to protect me from any possible danger. But every coin has two sides. I was protected and at the same time I was isolated by subscribing to a belief instead of learning to feel into others and make my own discernment. Later, thanks to consciousness work, I learned to become free from automatically uploaded thoughts and emotions and therefore able to distinguish energies of other people in the present moment. I discovered that we all have inner intelligence which holds answers to all questions including the ability to feel into what is, free from any projections.

If you long for true connection, don’t wait for Mr or Ms right to appear in your life. Tap into the space inside that is a container for all the thoughts and emotions. The emptiness. In this space start feeling into your heart, give it space and time, move slowly… and then start feeling into the space and people around you. Most probably you will discover that you actually can connect with almost anything or anyone. And see how your perceived reality changes.

Feel your heart… take even just 5-10 minutes today - risk to let go of the importance you give to the content of your mind – don’t trust thoughts that arise, instead bring your attention to your heart area and feel into it. If your heart is closed, it may feel like nothing in the beginning, but when your heart starts opening up, you may feel unease or even pain in the chest area – it’s OK. This pain is a sign that you consciously or unconsciously hold onto some beliefs that create a shield. Release the pain with tears or sound and keep feeling into your heart. You can also ask your partner or a close friend to gently and lovingly put their hand on your heart area while you breath into it. As the heart opens, keep letting the energy expand, breath.

Opening of the heart and healing of the heart can be facilitated by engaging the sexual energy too. As we direct it upwards along the central energy channel of our body, the sexual energy melts all walls and removes all impurities along the way, including around the heart area. It is a true divine surgeon that skillfully removes all impurities and allows to reconnect with our natural state.



About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.
