What is the secret behind strong attraction between two human beings?


I’m speaking about times when your eyes connect and you know this is him! Or this is her! You might even not know anything about him or her, but your whole being knows there is something profound here about to happen.

Such encounters are never by chance. It is one of the biggest gifts human beings can experience – deep connection, two souls merging. There are so many theories how attraction happens – someone says that this is souls recognizing each other from past life, others say attraction is the consequence of projections, yet others believe that there is a second half who completes us. We can believe whatever we want and it doesn’t really matter as long as it doesn’t stop the energy to unfold. What I have discovered is that people experience strong attraction to each other because there is either a big potential for Expansion, for Healing or for Creation. And this is what I call the secret.

Expansion can be experienced as reaching new realms of yourself, discovering something unknown through the eyes of another. It is when you say "Wow, I’ve never had that before!”

Healing can be experienced as a release of old stuck emotions or pain related to the past and feeling more whole, complete and grateful.

And Creation can be experienced when two human beings unite in a common vision and become unstoppable in manifesting that vision to the degree they would not be able to do on their own.

I noticed that attraction when fully allowed always results in one or more of these three aspects.

Attraction, big or small, unlocks the stream of LOVE. Love that is beyond rational comprehension. At its highest degree, we can describe it as losing our mind, becoming a fool. Ha! Yes, so much so. Losing mind is the number one prerequisite to experience bliss. And if only we allowed ourselves to be fools, life would be so much easier, wouldn’t it? It’s this being in the mind and taking life overly serious that locks us in a box. Love is irrational, the mind gets totally confused what’s going on and you inevitably end up out of the box. But… of course, the mind will do its best to catch up and explain things step by step. Oh, if only we could resist the temptation to give everything a rational explanation. If only we could resist making conclusions. If only we could let this energy of love flow freely without trying to lock it back in a box.

Often it’s the fear of being hurt or rejected that doesn’t allow to fully let go of the mind and surrender completely to this miraculous happening of love. Out of fear, mind will try to rationalize the love energy away by explaining or interpreting it. Because it is safer. It’s normal that fear is there – this is how our human psychology works. Yet when we listen to it and take next steps based on fear, this is when we experience biggest pain, the pain of not opening up completely, of not giving it all. In heart matters, all we need is to acknowledge fear and look through it, let go of the masques and pretenses that come together with the fear in order to protect the vulnerable and real you. And allow yourself to fully experience the power of love that is generously provoked by the Universe through this being who miraculously entered your life.


About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.
