Tapping into Surrender


Sometimes we get this clear inner voice that we need to be some place. Logically we might not need to be there, but this knowing is so clear that not listening to it is not an option.

This is how I booked my ticket to Bali.

I didn’t enjoy Bali 2 years ago, it was not the place I wanted to spend my money on this year, the timing was off for several reasons, and many other things, but something was calling. Priestess School it was. I even saw a dream back in August that I’m assisting here.

When I get visions like this I learned to trust and follow.

When I asked myself (which I often do - talking to the part in me that is connected to higher wisdom) why I needed to be here, the answer that came from within was Surrender. Surrender to what? To whom? What for? I was asking all these questions not realizing that the questions were wrong. And so there was no answer. Only here I realized I came to surrender everything that separated me from me.

Day 6 of Priestess school. Most intimate practice 2 women can engage in. Yoni gazing/transfiguration, a powerful tantric practice that calls to see the divine in everything, beyond the form. In order to gaze effortlessly, I had to let go of everything that stood between me and gazing, one by one. After about 30 or 60 minutes, I’m not sure, I suddenly felt I became vaster than an ocean, as if there was no me anymore. I suddenly became the big breath, I could loudly here the inhale and the exhale, but it was not Alexa’s breath. Everything of me as I knew it seemed to be gone, so insignificant. When transfiguration was complete, I was still sitting there for I don’t know how long. When I got up, I was drawn to lie on the surface of the ocean looking at full moon, and experienced such a quiet oneness with Existence.

Thank you, life. What a timely reminder. 🙏

Slow down, become so quiet in the midst of life that you fall through the moments into the gap. Humbly let go of everything you are holding on to and trust...

Photo taken this morning by Sofia Sundari ❤️



About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.
