Nourishing ourselves. Is it a need or a luxury?


Modern urban life has high speed and is full of to do’s. We don’t stand still how much energy we spend each day on giving our attention to our work, family, relationships, social networks, and many many other things. Sometimes it feels like a million of things are fighting for our attention. And it’s all great when we make sure that we replenish our energy, not only give it away. Otherwise it’s not sustainable long term.

The most common reason of burn outs nowadays is that people stop listening to their body and spend much more energy than what they receive. The more we give our energy away, the more we need to receive it. Logical, no? Otherwise it’s only natural that we feel exhausted at the end of the day.

Some people can spend more energy than what they receive for years, running on adrenaline, but once they stop and go on vacation, they either immediately fall sick or feel the impact of all that over-Doing.

Conscious nourishment is needed not only during a vacation time, but every day. I spoke with one top manager in a multinational company and he said that he would not be able to manage all the things he needs to do at work and outside of it if he did not meditate every morning. This is essential for him as he gets his mental and emotional fuel from it every day. For myself, I remember when working in a corporate job, I knew I needed to go out and dance tango 2-3 times a week, otherwise I felt super tired by the end of the week. Dancing nourished me so deeply... and still does today.

Later, I created work that I loved doing and I thought that by giving it energy I automatically also would receive energy. Nope, I had to learn hard way after I felt exhausted doing doing doing what I loved. I saw that nourishment was needed anyway. At this stage in my journey, I give a lot of tantric sessions which is extremely fulfilling for me, but receiving one for myself regularly is so important. It re-connects me with my feminine essence, with my creativity, with my flow.

Nowadays I love nourishing myself with tantric intuitive self-touch. It’s so easy and so available. It works on all bodies: physical, mental and emotional. It creates connection with myself, pleasure and deep nourishment. And I don’t need to do anything special to be able to do it, there is always time for it when I wake up or when I go to bed, and I also love creating time for it during the day.

Watch out for energy drainers in the form of beliefs. One of the most common ones is “I don’t have enough time” or everything that starts with “I have to...”. These beliefs create shallow breathing and hectic actions. While in fact, you would accomplish even more if you adopted a belief “I have plenty of time for everything including myself.” It immediately creates inner relaxation and flow. Or fears, for instance fear of the unknown or having lack can drain a lot of energy. It’s so important to look at beliefs and fears and create an inner space which is based on inner trust.

How do you nourish yourself? What gives you energy? What energy drainers are you ready to drop?


About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.
