Yesterday I fell in love…. for 7 hours.

People were slowly arriving. After an hour or so, I noticed HIM. His energy was magnetic. He had long hair and a long white beard. Eyes awake and sharp like an eagle. My body instantly moved in his direction and I greeted him, heart opened, and I asked if I could offer an embrace. It was a Yes.

From that moment on, we spent 7 hours straight together.

Dylan and Alisia were there too and after a while Dylan sweetly offered to leave home with Alisia, and gave me a passionate kiss on my lips with: “I LOVE YOU”.

Through talking I learned that this man was 70+ years old. An awakened healer living in the jungle up on the North coast of Bali, next to a mysterious place known by local community.

We giggled the whole evening. We felt attraction. I loved his sharpness and a very chilled attitude to life. But mostly my whole being was energetically downloading codes from him. Love. Light. Grief. Death. Aliveness.

It was a powerful transmission. I drank the energy of his words.

“Live true, be authentic, it’s the only way that will make you deeply alive”, he echoed the words I often say in my own programs.

He told me things about me that he could read off my body and aura, and it was all to the point.

I asked him questions and shared about my life. We shared so much.

And when the music started, we DANCED for maybe 1 or even 2 hours, I have no idea, time stopped, pure magic, forgetting about the rest of the world. The whole journey unfolded in that dance.

He held transmission for me, and I - for him.

I needed to hear what he had to say and to receive the codes.

He needed to open up to receive what I had to give.

I wish I could share all the mysterious details and the full impact of this encounter on both of us, but I want to honor his private life and will not reveal it here. The tantric initiatress in me did the work she was called to do. There was no intimate touch, nakedness or sex. It was all pure energy.

After the transmission was done from both sides, I felt complete. The magnetic field subsided, and around 3am we wished each other farewell. Candles were still lit and we noticed a few other guests were still cuddling in a group.

Oh, how I understand the deeper meaning of falling in love, attraction, magnetism.

In the books by Anastasia, I have read once that “Killing love is the biggest sin”. It hit me then! I embarked on exploring this short sentence.

I’m grateful to Dylan and where we are at in our relating that makes it possible to not manipulate life, and be able to surrender to the movement of LOVE beyond shapes and forms. Amen.

With love,

Alexa Mira