Connection with the Invisible World

Happy New Year 1946 today in Bali!

(My father’s year of birth.)

I often feel like being in a different timeline here, now I understand why.

Bali is a place of Ceremony & Prayer.

It’s on the 1st place.

Connection with the invisible world. With the higher powers. With spirits. With ancestors.

Prayers happen every day, several times a day.

From big ceremonies to daily offerings.

Each house has a Temple.

Today we were having breakfast in a modern Biji World place, and literally next door 100’s of Balinese people were in a prayer in an open air temple.

This energy of continuous sacredness and gratitude is unique and unlike any other place in the world. Millions of people from all over the world visit Bali each year. Many never leave.

I discovered that Bali opens its magic to you when you come with an open and loving heart.

On the 2nd and 3rd equal place for the Balinese people are their family/home and work.

I remember hearing from a local taxi driver that it’s not part of their culture to dream about travelling the world.

Two different realities are intertwined here, yet not enmeshed: Balinese and the expats from all over the world. They co-exist and yet for the biggest part remain separate.

Balinese elders are serious about preserving the culture and you don’t see many mixed marriages with other cultures. There are some exceptions, of course. For instance, my female Dutch friend is in a relationship with a Balinese man already for 4+ years, not married though as it would oblige her to fully become part of the culture and it would be a stretch too far for her.

Balinese culture is rooted in Hindu religion, while the rest of Indonesia is predominantly Muslim.

I keep relaxing into this new exotic reality more and more.

Being swallowed by the energy of nature and prayer and beauty, Bali works on you, removing all the structures that are no longer serving. The last couple of days some deep fears rooted back in my childhood got lifted for me personally.

My heart is gently rooting here and I love this feeling.

10 more days and our 2 months here will come to an end for now. We will fly back to Belgium with a cup full to serve in our upcoming retreats, temple nights and other workshops.