Day 3 in Tamera

“If from the level I’m searching on I recognise that my love issue has no solution, I need to change levels” - a quote in the main hall of Tamera community.

An afternoon community gathering with a children theater, a market from people living in the region and a concert from a Colombian band was sweet and light. Besides a big variety of non-alcoholic beverages, light alcoholic drinks like beer and wine were also available at the bar. The evening finished around 22:30 with a beautiful dance under the tunes of the band.

This morning, a weekly Sunday Matinee gathering took place in the big hall. It started with a shared song. One of the elder community members spoke on the topic of Love and an Australian sponsor gifted an original Tibetan Maha Gong to the community of Tamera.

“Understanding Love starts with recognising that we all come from the same Source”, a renowned Tamera community member in her 70’s started her speech.

“Which conditions need to be created for Love to flow freely?

When we create a fence around love, we follow Fear.

One of the main conditions to support love to

flow freely is a supportive community. Trust in the community is a necessary bedding for freedom in Love and Sexuality.”

“It takes a village to raise a child” - we all know this saying.

Equally, “it takes a community and cultivating trust and transparency in it to live freedom in love and sexuality.”

“Because in letting Love flow beyond one house, 1 partner, 1 family, people will come in contact with fears, inner structures that want to control, that want to protect and defend, insecurities, self-image, social and cultural conditioning, etc.

A community is there to guide, and support, because it holds a holistic expertise for all possible situations, and the know-how to address the whole complexity of situations that may arise. Some of the tools the community here uses to heal is a Forum (people step into the circle and express authentically what lives in them) and Theater (playing out the difficult situations and raising their consciousnesss this way).

It’s clear that the biggest part of the group that is attending the intro course is trying to understand this concept of Free Love and Sexuality. What conditions allow for it to work? Why is it a necessary pillar for creating peace in the world (according to Tamera’s founders)? What consciousness must one have to be able to embody and live it? Some people are searching which form of relating they are more resonating with. Monogamy, open relationship, or 1000’s of options in between?

The spirit of research by talking and doing is unfolding here.

With love,

Alexa Mira