Day 2 in Tamera

Yesterday, was a very chill intro day. After an introduction morning, where we connected as a group through simple connecting practices, we were shown the territory of the community, told about the history of the place, and completed the day with a conscious touch practice.

As we were guided around the territory, we came across wild bores co-living with the community. And also rats are given space here as equally valuable animals. Neither wild bores nor rats overpopulate, because they are “not stressed” according to one of Tamera’s inhabitants.

A big emphasis is made to live in peace and harmony with nature. Needless to say it’s a completely vegan place and meat is only bought to feed cats.

It was a very hot day yesterday and today as well as the next few days are expected to be the same. I slept twice more than I usually do. We are warned about the risk of fire.

My most joyful experience was seeing Tamera boys of all ages playing football together yesterday. The sight and the voices made my heart happy.

Today is a cultural gathering here this afternoon, with a market and a concert, and on Sunday morning a whole community gathering called Matinee in their big hall. Maybe today or tomorrow we will meet the founders Dieter Duhm and Sabine Lichtenfels.

There is curiosity and openness in the space, I also pick up some awkwardness in some participants.

Feeling and perceiving the teachers, I am

present to their lightness, purity and innocence. It’s also visible that the distance between each other is less than we would see between teachers in normal life. Very natural caring and loving intimacy is present. So I believe that most of us here will be pleasantly surprised about the next days unfolding.

With love,

Alexa Mira