Yet another life changing experience

I'm so full and high on LIFE!

We just completed one of the most profound and delicious Module 2's ever. Shining Light on Hidden Desires!

This work has been evolving year after year into a masterpiece. Co-facilitating this module with Jonathan Beger since 6 years now, and each time we reach a new level of depth. This module specifically is something that doesn't exist anywhere else, I swear! It's a pure merger of our unique passion & energy & talents that we bring together. In service of re-connecting our participants with their erotic nature back to Erotic Purity and Innocence. And what it does to a human being - OMG - you can read it all the way below where I share a few words from participants.

I bring my passion for Tantra and Jonathan masterfully infuses Tantra into BDSI (Bondage - Dominance- Surrender - Impact Play). It's f..cking insane what we are doing! Insane in a sense of "drilling to the core of who we are". Opening up to our full potential as human beings, through this unique portal, literally lifting collective conditioning, taboo's, and limitations into INFINITY.

I stepped into Erotic Temple Night during this retreat and experienced one of the most incredible things. I asked to be dominated. And I was... by pure LOVE transmitted through Him. It threw me back to when I was 16, standing in front of my first boyfriend that I was so deeply in love with. I remembered the quality and purity of that Love between us and it made me crack all the layers of many years that I have consciously and unconsciously built to protect myself from love. I cried rivers. I surrendered. I got it.

I remembered Him, my first boyfriend was there with me (in real life he died a few years ago) and I re-connected with the pain of separation we experienced back then, after hitting layers of triggers we could not deal with. Looking back, I grieved... if only back then I had the level of consciousness I have today, it could have been different. But it also made me feel the Present Moment. So grateful that I have the chance in my current relationship to navigate it differently.

This is just one of the many pearls that happened during the retreat. I will never be able to comprehend the impact on all 30 people that were together in the space sharing this field of LOVE.

8 couples that have been in the space went through a huge metamorphosis, expanding the limits of their identity and re-connecting in a totally new heart space with each other.

Also for the singles, it was an equally powerful space to be in. I have never seen so many tears of gratitude in people's eyes. FULL-filled is one word I heard the most.

We were supported by the professional experienced team members who've been part of this work since many years now. They hold, support and transmit so much to participants! Many of them live and breath Tantra, including professionally. I am truly blessed with everyone on the TEAM.

Lena - Laya - Bodhi - Linde - Gert - Ilse

Thank you Thank you Thank you! You are truly amazing!

And now it's integration time. Time to be grateful for all the openings and inspirations. For all the beautiful transmissions we received from each other. We let the energy and insights simmer through into our daily life, with all the wisdom we got massive downloads of.

I personally already can't wait for the next edition on August 25-31st when we will hold Module 1 (which I will co-facilitate with Dylan) and Module 2 (which I will co-facilitate with Jonathan again) together on August 25-31st, 2023!!!

The group is already ~20 participants and 8 (!!) amazing team members, and we have a few spots left.

EARLY BIRD is valid till June 30th.

With love,

Alexa Mira