Love weaves us

Not into some specific form with new conditions, expectations and projections.

But into authenticity to be ourselves.

Alone Together.

We took bigger distance from each other for about 6 weeks.

It’s been scary and liberating,

It’s been beautiful and confusing,

All at once.

Having had more physical space away from each other felt right.

Separating completely didn’t.

Deep endless grief was a big advisor.

It whispered "There is something else..."

Angels suddenly appeared in different shapes and forms,

'Look here and there,

Feel this and that,

Can you see? Can you feel?'

There is Love.

And as long as it's here, it keeps weaving,

Whatever polarities we come across.

As long as we succeed to keep our Hearts open,

We can fall back on the power of love,

Again and again.

Family is important.

Without Alisia, it could have been different.

We could have taken more risk to explore singularity further.

Thanks to her, we looked and felt again.

For me it is clear.

There will never be a better father for her.

Seeing you two connect melts my heart time and again.

Even for a short while, I would not want to let her be without you or me, together.

The power of our Connection & Love is important for her, and her Happiness is important for us.

My choice is clear.

I choose You... ANEW.

From a space of gratitude for everything that you are,

I choose to stop relating to you in your Potential.

This gap between my desire and reality was my own painful creation.

I choose to stop projecting

how IT should be,

how YOU should be,

how WE should be.

More vulnerable than ever,

I am here honoring Love, Life, this Moment.

With all of my Heart,

I am speechlessly witnessing how it unfolds.

When the should's are gone, there is magic.

And this was the gift of Singularity.

Freedom to fall back on ourselves and to see our parts in this creation.