Ready for the intensity of life

Life is beautifully intense.

...and I have energy for it now!

After an incredible retreat last week, which I still feel vibrating in every cell of mine , I am focusing on the body-conscious Big Family Gathering creation for adults and children TOGETHER!!! Yet another dream coming true - introducing body awareness to younger generations. Halleluja!!

About 60+ Belgian and Dutch adults & children already said YES!! We are not going above 100 this year. We decided to extend the Early Bird price thanks to a miraculous appearance of our 1st sponsor of the event!! It feels like a blessing.

The program of the Big Family Gathering is being finalized these days with an incredible line-up of fun and connecting events that will be offered by our incredible workshop facilitators. We will reveal all the yumminess already soon!

Last week, before the retreat, we received the first draft of the DOCUMRENTARY about Tantra that was filmed at our Module 1 in March. We sat down to watch it with a held breath. I took a stand not to expect much (in order not to be disappointed ). But... we were so pleasantly surprised by the first version. I even cried a couple of times, especially touched by the energy of the space and sharings of participants. They managed to capture the spirit and the depth of the 1st Module quite well. Can't wait to see the next draft in a few weeks from now and officially on VTM in September! Stay tuned.

Tomorrow, I am leaving for Portugal to attend an Introduction course at Tamera community with the focus on Love & Sexuality. This is a dream now coming true. So curious and excited. And a bit anxious... what if it's way too basic?

Some students started asking me: "Are you planning to move to Portugal? What will happen to the Temple of Tantric Arts then?"

No plan to move, we are just exploring at the moment. I am literally super curious and open to be on adventure in Portugal, there is like a vortex of magic happening for me at this moment. Curious how it will be with the whole family being there. And even if we were ever to move, ToTA retreats will continue taking place in Belgium.

In parallel with all of this, incredible and meaningful conversations in the form of coaching sessions are part of my daily life, and I am so grateful for every encounter and all the people who put their trust in working with me. People grow and expand in their relationships so much! Besides, I also work with clients who are single and desire to create a relationship.

Very soon, Dylan and I would like to share about our own process with all of you. It's been a fascinating ride for both of us, finding ourselves now in a totally new space, having let go of old contracts. RE-BIRTH.

And there is one KEY we are going to share about soon, which may support so many couples going through similar to us or other challenges.

In the meantime, it's day 24 of Kundalini Yoga Sadhana that I am doing together with 30+ people in the Tantric tribe. It's been supporting me big time through transition and transformation of the past couple of months. It contributed to staying strong, clear and in alignment, and supported by the group energy it's just next level. Not without its challenges, like any sadhana, of course.

Next to all of that, we are looking to BUY or RENT a camper (planning to travel during July 10-August 6th), so if you happen to have one yourself or know someone with a good deal for a camper, please let us know!

Lots of love,

Alexa Mira