One Step at a Time

When you are up for something BIG and it feels overwhelming, remember that you just need to take ONE STEP at a time.

No need to stress.

No need to hurry.

No need to be restless.

No need to skip steps.

You are plugged into Eternity.

Right Here, right Now.

There was no Time before it got invented.

Eat well. Sleep well. Rest well.

You are ALIVE.

The biggest MIRCALE already happened.

YOU already happened.

Nothing bigger than this will ever happen.

No big achievement can even closely compare to it.

Every STEP you make, ENJOY it.

And if you notice you don't, STOP for a moment.

The whole world may be caught up in something.

Let them. Recognize the psychological pull to BELONG.

Ask yourself: What do I really want?

And at what pace is it FUN for me?

Once you know, pursue it.

ONE STEP at a time.

Face the fears and the doubts, and keep going.

ENJOY every step as deep honor.

Because it is.

And if you don't enjoy it, STOP and re-align.

You make it easy or hard. You are the wizard.

Ask yourself this question: "Who am I living my LIFE for?

The only one in the whole world it's worth living for is YOU.

And only from there it's worth living for OTHERS. Don't mix it up.

Nina (my gorgeous sister from Bali)