Bali swallowed me

It officially becomes my and our 2nd HOME, next to Belgium.

6 months in Europe, 6 months in Asia is my vision for 2024.

Dylan holds a different vision in terms of time spent on both continents, but in great alignment and harmony with mine.

Bali is energetically a HOME frequency for me.

To my feeling, it's the HEART chakra on planet Earth.

I've been to Bali 3 times before to either hold a retreat or as a tourist, but it's the first time it CALLED me to stay.

"Come, my love, RELAX here in your Essence", magical river whispered.

I came back to Belgium not sure what the future holds for us as a family and as a couple.

Will Dylan want to make it partially a HOME too?

How will we get organized in a way that serves us all as a family?

My mind ran through different scenarios over the last weeks, and I felt anxious and hopeful, had blissful heart bursts and tears of grief.

I held the context for THE BEST ALIGNMENT for all, no compromise.

And upon return, it all started falling into place.

In consciousness and in 3D.


Now it also makes sense why for already 4 months I couldn’t get the dates for the new cycle of the 1 Year Tantra program 2024 fixed. No matter how many times I sat down to do the planning and contacted venues, it just kept not happening. The only message I was getting internally "it's not yet the right time" and I kept surrendering and listening.

I needed the Bali PENNY to drop.

The 1 year Tantra program "Expansion into Love" will kick off again in the 2nd quarter of 2024 in Belgium, the dates are aaaalmost fixed.

In 2024, my dream is also to bring my tribe from Europe to Bali for an immersive experience. I so wish to share the beauty and my awe for this sacred land!

#livingmydharma #balichapter #betweeneuropeandasia #family #highestalignment