
Slowly RE-EMERGING from the most profound Dharmic Living 8-days retreat with 20 courageous humans.

Modules 5&6 of the 1 year Tantra program "Expansion into Love".

It feels like this is the WORK I've been preparing to do all my Life.

I had tears of gratitude and heart expansion every single day, and especially on the day when EVERYONE chose to surrender to their soul's calling I believe I was the HAPPIEST human being on planet Earth. I can't even describe it in words.

There is no higher service we can do than to live the Truth of who we are. In other words, to be in service of our Soul, in service of the DIVINE.

But first we need to re-connect with our Soul, to feel way deeper than our Persona's habits, beliefs and ideas.

There was research done amongst >10.000 people of 70+ age. They were asked, what were their biggest regrets about lives they had lived.

There were 5 main things that were answered most frequently, namely:

- not travelling enough

- not caring about their health enough

- not enough time and attention given to their children

- not enough time and attention given to their family

- and the BIGGEST thing they regretted the most was that they were stuck in jobs they disliked for the biggest part of their lives. And especially the regret was about not having found the COURAGE to change it.

Every single participant of the Dharmic Living retreat re-connected with what's truly important for them, and what's not.

Every single one of them died as they knew themselves to be and got re-born into a new way of Being and Living this life.

Every single one of them committed to expressing their Soul's movement and to let their Persona serve this expression, instead of vice versa.

An unconventional way.

A way that is beyond common beliefs and ideas of how life should be.

Due to the frequencies that passed through me in the last few days, I feel like I've been through some major SURGERY. This whole weekend I experience huge adjustments, abundant downloads of insights, and incredible CLARITY on so many fronts.

Landing back from a high frequency of TRUTH highlights everything that is no longer aligned, I am able to take some important decisions and come to peace with them.

One of the biggest ones for me personally is that I am CALLED to be on the move regularly, literally travelling places that appear in my consciousness and CALL me (sometimes very far away from home).

Thank you, LIFE, for this gift of being able to hear the guidance and follow it.

Each of us is a unique TUNE in the orchestra of life and we've got an honor to PLAY IT.

#tantra #1yearprogram #expansionintolove