Follow your Soul's Calling

Follow your Soul's Calling and let it take you places, meet people, show you the World where you belong.

Let it reveal every little bit and the infinite possibility of YOU!

Soul's calling lives as your dreams, your inspiration, and authentic curiosity. This is how your soul communicates to you.

Recently I spoke with a woman who shared "I know what I want. I know where my inspiration wants to take me, BUT...

(and here for most people usually this kind of list follows)





These are circumstances.

Rarely, circumstances are the reason.

What's usually the real reason of not following one's soul's calling are fears, low self-worth, self-doubt, not believing it can be different.

And this is what needs to be looked at and embraced.

At any moment, we have a choice:

To let our soul serve the circumstances.

Or let the circumstances serve our soul's calling.

Both have consequences.

Circumstances don't start aligning unless you make a CHOICE and commit to surrender to your soul's calling!

Great thing though is that no matter how much we give up on our soul’s calling , it doesn’t give up on us.

Your soul's calling is not necessarily a reflection of your talents or what you are good at. Your soul's calling is what gives you a feeling of expansion, joy and inspiration, and when it calls you to follow it in a longer term, then you become good at it!

Some people say: "I already follow my authentic curiosity and do things that call me, but still... I feel somewhat stuck, life is not flowing the way I'd wish it to flow".

This is usually the result of us holding to the OLD that is no longer serving.




Step by step, RELEASE with gratitude all that served you in the past but does not any longer. One by one.

If certain people in your life drain your energy and even after trying to shift the dynamics in relationship it is still the case, release with Gratitude. At least for now, it doesn't have to be forever. Everyone evolves, and so you may meet at a later stage in life again.

If your job drains you, either shift your internal experience or make a plan to change your job. And create next job in alignment with your inner calling.

If you were a full time parent until now and you notice that today it is draining you, create a new balance that works for you today. No need to continue the old pattern that no longer works.


You can't make a mistake.

Each moment you are living a life that is either the result of honoring your soul's calling or the result of serving the circumstances.

This is one of the focus points of Tantra - to align our life to our most authentic Self.

Honoring the Sacred Retreat for Women welcomes 2 more women.

1 year Tantra program "Expansion into Love" starting in August calls in 2 more men and 2 more couples.

Alexa Mira