Walking Your Unique Path

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Are you connected to your deepest longing?
Can you feel it underneath your daily thoughts, emotions and actions?

Over lifetime your longing may change and have different flavors...

It may feel like loneliness or a deep desire to find a soulmate,
Feeling of being bored with life or a desire to unplug from all the structures and go travelling ,
Feeling of hopelessness & meaninglessness or a desire to be of true service to others,
A feeling of being exhausted to manage your life, or a desire to trust and surrender to life completely,
A feeling of being lost and not knowing who you are, or a desire to be deeply fulfilled and happy.

All these flavors and more can be the voice of your soul calling you to come home and to align to a deeper current that runs through your Core.

Longing is a compass of your soul. It is never dormant, but we might need to slow down and become quiet to really hear it.

We can ignore the inner calling for a long time and be busy doing things in life that should be done, but deep within we will feel the gap between what we are, what we have and the deeper voice. Some people feel it as nostalgy, hopelessness, meaninglessness, others - as pain, yet others - as lack of true fulfillment.

People who ignore their soul's calling for a long time may even end up in depression, anxiety, inner psychological turbulence of all kinds, like hysteria, etc. Such states may indicate how deeply astray they went from themSelves. I know these states as they were present for me when I kept holding on to the old and familiar structures, fearful to let go and be carried by life.

It takes courage to walk one's own unique soul path. Rightly so. Because it often makes little practical sense in the beginning, and may feel like a very unreasonable thing to follow. Besides, there is no manual on how to walk the path that no one walked before you. Many courageous souls who dare to walk their path will testify that most of the time they can only have clarity about next step, if at all, often not even knowing where the path will eventually lead them. At times, they hang in limbo, not knowing what the next step should be, until the clarity gets ripe. And yet, for some other people, it can be clear from the beginning where they are called to be, and they will need to do inner work to address their inner demons in the form of fears and doubts.

Walking one's soul path gives the only true inner peace and fulfillment. Nothing will ever compare to it.

It doesn't mean that there will be no difficulties on the path, it just becomes very clear soon enough that this is the only way one can truly walk if one wants to be true to him/herself.

How do you know if you walk Your soul's path?

There is no gap any more between your reality and your longing. The longing dissolves and a different quality of alignment takes place. This alignment feels like a deep fulfillment, even though on the surface all kinds of light and dark polarities may be playing out.

My deepest calling is to support people to re-connect with their soul's truth and to empower them to walk their unique path. The most suitable portal for me to serve is through Tantra Work, because it brings you immediately face-to-face with what's true, not giving you much space to beat around the bush.

When I just embarked on walking my soul's path, which was back in 2011, what I found most challenging was to keep TRUSTING something bigger than my little personality that what I am doing is right. Heavily conditioned world screamed in my face that I was crazy. Falling into trust again and again, and surrendering to life inside of me, was and still is a daily practice. What supported me on the journey the most was when I came in contact with Tantra and connected to the wisdom of my physical and energy bodies. Having learned to recognize the signals of these bodies as the language in which my soul communicates with me was a revelation bigger than anything I've ever known before. With that bigger Clarity it became more easy to Trust.

If you are ready to walk Your path, truly and incorruptibly, because you feel that this is the way you want to go forward, then I welcome you to join me in one of the following physical events that will be happening soon:

"Honoring the Sacred" Retreat on October 16-21st, in Belgium @ Koningsteen. 1 last place is available and I'd be delighted to give it away at an Early Bird price to a woman who strongly feels called to join.

1 YEAR TANTRA PROGRAM "Expansion into Love" 2022 is OPEN for registration from now on!
Who can join? Couples and Singles, as well as Partners alone.
When? Module 1 "Conscious Intimacy Retreat" starts on January 13-16, 2022 for Couples and on February 10-13th for Singles and Partners who wish to participate alone.

Alexa Mira