Your own Holy Grail

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Some years ago, if you asked me how I relate to my Yoni, I'd probably blush and say "Oh that thing that my mom punished me for when I was a child and teenager. Let's talk about something else."

Today, I can't imagine my life without being in close contact with Her, resting in Her, deriving my whole relationship to life from Her.

The overwhelming majority of men and women are limited to their habitual ways of relating to their genitals. Besides going to the toilet and having sex, there is usually little attention paid to what they actually are. That there is such a treasure hidden inside.

The revolution is happening right now. You and I are part of it.

Not the sexual revolution that was loud and rebellious back in 60's.

This time the revolution is fluid, gentle, like water, penetrating people's awareness.

One can't ignore the overwhelming amount of messages flashing through social media spreading awareness about the power of s€xual energy... which has a seat in our genitals.

One can't ignore the growing number of s€xuality activists holding online and offline events.

When I offered the first Tantra retreat in Belgium 5 years ago, I was looked by many people as if I were married to a devil. Some of these people later came to my programs. It was lovely to share the space together.

The other day, I was meditating and feeling where in my body is the source of infinite aliveness, joy and power.

I clearly felt it in my Yoni/womb area.

The word Holy Grail came up.

Yoni is a Sanskrit word for female genitalia, by the way.

I clearly saw my pelvic floor as a bottom part of the Grail, my vagina as the longer part of it, and my womb as the cup itself... that is monthly filled with blood.

I googled Holy Grail that day and here is what I found.

Definition of Holy Grail: something that you want very much but that is very hard to get or achieve.

The cup that is said to have been used by Jesus Christ and that was sought by knights during the Middle Ages.

It is a treasure that serves as an important motif in Arthurian literature. Different traditions describe it as a cup, dish or stone with miraculous powers that provide happiness, eternal youth or sustenance in infinite abundance.

The grail is most commonly identified as the cup that Jesus drank from at the Last Supper and that Joseph of Arimathea used to collect Jesus’s blood when he was crucified.

The Holy Grail is said to be located in various places, although it has never been found. Some believe it is located in Glastonbury in England, Somerset. According to some sources, the Knights Templars discovered the Holy Grail at the Temple in Jerusalem, took it away, and hid it.

If you feel into the energy of the words and what they are trying to convey, it all makes sense. Obviously, like many things in the Christian language it is symbolic.

What if the holy grail is nowhere to be found but Here and Now? Yet, without the right activation it is dormant and therefore hidden. And when it is activated, it becomes the source of all the goodness described above.

What if we buried/hid the holy grail ourselves by viewing it as something else?

What if nothing of what we learned about Yoni is true?

What if the Truth can only be discovered by experience? In a space of honor, deep respect and devotion.

Similarly, when a man would enter a woman deeply honoring her Yoni for what she truly is, he would drink the nectar of the goodness that she is holding key for.

Over years of working with Tantra, I noticed an interesting parallel.

The way a woman treats her Yoni is a way she treats her whole life.

If she ignores her Yoni, she ignores herself in life. If she loves her Yoni, she loves herself. If she feels confident about her yoni, she radiates natural confidence.

There is no bypassing.

I know women who work hard on self-love and they just tap into a portion of it, by far not the whole potential. I know this space very intimately as I've been hanging in there too.

If you are a Woman reading this, and you feel the calling to uncover the most precious part of you from long history of patriarchal domination that is still so present in our society, layers of false conditioning of what a woman is and what your Yoni is, and if you are longing to discover the pure source of your wisdom, aliveness, pleasure and abundance, join me on the Women's Delight Retreat on October 3-10th, 2021.

There is nothing else I want to do in this life than to share what I have discovered myself. Be ready to be gently confronted about the knowledge you have gathered over years, not by me, but by Her, by your own Yoni. She will invite you lovingly to peel the layers reaching out to your very core.