

During the last weeks, actually as soon as I exhaled/recovered after the renovations and since summer has started, I've been feeling used by an invisible force that just directs the course of life without me even having time to be visible with it and share what's going on. From morning till evening, I am just finding myself in service and then happy to find a pillow before 10pm.

Last week, I held a 3-days Tantra Massage Weekend which I was not even initially planning to give, but after receiving so many requests from mostly couples this time, I found a suitable time slot for all to make it happen at a pretty short notice. Another beautiful and profound happening, I was touched to the core by couple's processes and how everyone was stepping into their empowerment, connecting to the inner truth, which is what Tantra Massage can facilitate so greatly.

Module 1 in July got almost overbooked without me even finding the time to announce it properly. I found myself swamped, in a good sense, by requests to join, and when I was asking people how they found out about it, the majority found my website through internet just googling, so not even through my direct action.

The upcoming two Module 2's "Shining Light on Hidden Desires" in August and September are fully booked, and people are lining up on the reserve list. Almost a 90% roll over from Module 1 to Module 2 this year, unseen by me before.

Until this summer I haven't taken clients for individual coaching, because I found it was too energy consuming with the impact on only 1 person in an hour, while in a group I can have a 20+ or even a 30+ impact in the same one hour. And the whole process felt slow and dragging for my personality that loves complexity and group dynamics. So, I used to refer individual coaching clients to someone else. But since I've started this coaching program by Layla Martin (a deep bow to this kick-ass Tantric creatrix!) specifically designed for sex, love & relationships, I am blown away by its tools & impact on myself. I can apply it individually and in groups, and individual sessions started exciting me now as we can go so deep together and see a great impact already after 1 session. By the way, I am not soliciting more clients here as my agenda is fully booked till September, and I'll be happy to have a break. Life, you are not holding horses!

I am (not) sitting here already for many days with mixed feelings of excitement and joy, as well as shyness and disbelief, busy day in day out doing the best work in the world, yet not surprised, because it all feels so aligned with what I am called to do. And at the same time, this is quite new to ride such a wave.

It just makes me think that we radiate what we authentically have as a gift even without being visibly visible, once we are fully aligned and clear about the gift, and when everything that is internally in the way is cleared.

There is nothing left to announce till January 2022 when the 1-year Tantra program "Expansion into Love" will start again (the dates are not even on the website yet, still catching up!), BESIDES the Women's Delight Retreat on October 3-10th on Crete still this year that I got an internal YES for just a couple of weeks ago. If there are women out there who feel like they really need to slow down and have space for feeling themselves, even finding themselves back, and embarking on the most profound journey of self-discovery of their essence through their body and sexuality, you are welcome to join. I received many requests from women asking for this to be organized in Belgium, and I was even open to re-direct it from Crete, but several women already booked their tickets to Crete and there was no way around. And I have no more space in my agenda for Belgium this year. So, it will be Crete! See? That's what I mean. This summer, I wonder if I actually have a choice in the matter at all.

With this message, I want to shine and give space for others to do the same. Shine your gifts, shine your joy, shine your essence into this world! This is the only thing this world truly needs.