Aligned with life

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I feel alive.

I feel beaming.

I feel mischievous and playful.

This feeling of life pulsing inside my body - it's sooo precious.

Now, when the space is there to just Be, be myself, when nothing needs to be done that costs loads of energy and where I have to be out of my comfort zone each day. But only do things that give energy, waking up early in the morning with a YaY feeling. Creation energy is surging.

This is how I know that I am aligned with life.

And my intention now is to accumulate and conserve energy and only give it to creations that feel deeply aligned.

I already sense that next year will be a year of giving birth to something new, as it's being conceived and brewing inside of me, inspired by the studies I am currently in. So much joy from the potential inner expansion that I feel is coming! A little sneak peak: I feel the calling to work more with men, to reveal the secrets with them.

This year my focus lies on the 1 year Tantra program "Expanding into Love" that kick started last month and will kick start for many couples still in July. This is by far one of my dearest 'babies'. When I step into service in this space, it's like the veil gets lifted and I get access to the whole universal library of intuitive knowledge.

There is one more creation that I got a clear YES to launching this year after hearing the call from many women.

Women's Delight Retreat on Crete on October 3-10th

By chance or not, I'm reading this book by Sheri Winston "Women's Anatomy of Arousal" and even having been in this field of work for many years now, I am blown away by the anatomy of arousal of a female body. Sheri pulls the facts together that I never saw being so artfully drawn to inspire women to explore their body. I was yawning when reading section 1, but section 2 blew my mind straight away. I'm not kidding! A MUST read for all men () and women who want to understand how a female body is designed for pleasure.

THIS is a big part of what we practically explore in the Women's Delight Retreat and I can't wait to travel this journey with women again this year. A guided exploration in a safe space does miracles and opens something so precious for women - it opens their own inner treasure that's always been there but that needed to be uncovered.

And Crete is the island of nature - gentle sun, pure air, sounds of nature, beautiful sea views - mother earth nourishes through all the senses.