Life Energy


My last weekend was spent under the flag of awakening sexual energy, life energy, and letting it purify the body and spirit (Tantra Massage Weekend for Beginners).

Precious life energy, thanks to which we are alive and can experience all the beauty that Existence has to offer.

Our life energy doesn't like compromises, non-totality, self-abuse, being stuck in the mind, lack of harmony between being and doing, living from a concept and also some other things.

It loves our inner and outer authenticity, when we live guided by inner calling, when we respect our boundaries, when we soften in response to the external environment instead of hardening.

It's really up to us to squeeze it till it barely can flow, or let it flow in abundance nourishing every cell of our body.

A couple of years ago, I found myself in a space where I was no longer making choices and living my life aligned with my inner calling. I stopped listening to and hearing myself. My whole life in a matter of months became a big compromise. I was just like a robot, doing the steps that became a comfortable routine, but my spirit and later my body and emotions were more and more depressed. It was difficult to see the true reason, because all those things that felt suddenly like a burden I enjoyed before. My mind could not understand.

What supported me was to ask myself these questions: 
What am I longing for? What do I desire deep inside?

Then I heard answers from inside... they called me to spend time in Nature, to create space and time for Silence, to stop doing things that exhaust my energy - and that meant for me personally to stop my work (or the way I was doing it), I was called to stop my relationship as it was no longer serving neither of us, and to "jump off the cliff" into nowhere. It may all seem like a sacrifice and it was to a large degree, yet deep inside I so knew that this was the only way.

The moment I stopped compromising and did what the longing was calling me to do, I slowly but surely started relaxing deep inside. Still mixed with fears about the unknown future, aliveness started returning, curiosity and freshness came back. I started to want to live again.

Since then I follow my inner compass without compromise, being very aware that not aligning with it costs me Life.

Are you serving your deep longing?


About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.
