Self-Development vs Realizing your True Nature


Self-Development vs Realizing your True Nature

There are tons of self-development books and training’s, many really good ones, focusing on understanding our individual wiring of the psyche, our persona, workings of the Ego, how to re-program ourselves, etc. From NLP to Human Design, you name it. Most people who start with self-development go on for years, most till the end of their lives.

I love learning about human psyche too. It's so complex and fascinating! But... we need to be aware that it has its limitations.

Self-development doesn't help you to realize who/what you are. Until then, you are trapped. By "trapped" I mean that you are identified with your psyche so densely that you think this is all You. You play main role in your own created movie, you celebrate or you cry and suffer, and you take it all very seriously. So, you take all experiences, including all your thoughts and emotions very personally, as if it's You.

The word Awareness is also mostly misunderstood. Some teach "You are not your Ego or your psychology, You are Awareness". But as we know, words get their meaning through the filters of the receiver's mind. What most people understand under Awareness is nothing else but Analysis, which is yet another compilation of thoughts.

I've been a consciousness trainer for many years and I grasped Awareness only on the level of understanding. Only having spent many days in silence showed me what Awareness really means. It's so subtle that we can't grasp it through the chatter and the noise of our never stopping mind. We can't understand it, and we can't see it, because we are it. Only tapping into the subtle realm of ourselves, we start realizing that the more gross realm of thoughts and emotions is most of the time a huge illusion or simply a projection of our conditioned mind.

Have you ever lied flat under the stars and tried to comprehend eternity and endlessness?

How do your daily "troubles" and "joys" compare to it?

Whatever issues you are dealing with right now, would it still be an issue of the same degree, if you were hit by a car and ended up in a coma? Or if you almost drowned in a lake but were rescued by someone?

I bet you'd say "Fuck! All these issues I had till now were nothing - bring it on! The most important thing is that I am still alive!".

You and I are alive in this consciousness and form. And this is the biggest gift.

And the gift can be FULLY received when we realize our true nature. Then you take every breath in Awe, even if your psyche doesn't play along.

Till then... we are distracted from living this life fully by our fascinating Mind.


About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.
