If you want to find passion in your life


If you want to find passion in your life, something worth and fun living for, or you feel that you are very busy, maybe even with things you love, but somehow it all becomes less and less meaningful, then this post is for you.

Start attending to your NEEDS.

It's so basic and yet many people out of good intentions try to serve others before themselves. Being a Giver is very encouraged in spiritual circles. In my upbringing, it was encouraged by parents too. "Give, not Take. Share, not ask for anything."

But if you don't give to yourself, you are screwed. And this is usually not mentioned.

In fact, if you don't give to yourselves, can you really give to others?

Maybe yes... but from which place?

Giving to others from an empty cup can only breed exhaustion and resignation in the long term. It disconnects us from ourselves because we have neglected our own needs for too long.

If we don't take nourishing our own needs seriously, we lack passion in our life, but also grounding, fulfillment, satisfaction, meaningful actions, deep rest inside.

Follow your needs and they will bring you to your Passion and Harmony.

If not, we become Needy. Yes, Needy. Neediness shows that you haven't attended to your needs and now you are trying to compensate for it through some subconscious strategies of demanding attention in all kinds of ways, playing psychological games, etc. And if it doesn't work, you get pissed off.

And it's so simple to get in harmony again. Just recognize what you need and act on it.

Break the pattern of being a compulsive Giver and become a conscious Giver, including to yourself in the first place.

If you feel you need more contact with inspiring people, get in contact.
If you feel your body and soul need rest, plan it in and take it.
If you lack human contact due to the nature of your job, meet people more.
If you love dancing but you say you don't have time, create time for it.
If you want your partner to give something to you, ask for it. If s/he can't give it, see how you can nourish that need differently. 
If you miss nature, go into nature!

No excuse.

And see what happens. πŸ™‚πŸŒ·


About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.
