Let me give you a lift

“Let me give you a lift to the airport”, he said seeing me move with my luggage across the corridor of the hotel.

I stopped and looked at him.


“Because I’d like to spend some time with you”, he responded with great clarity.

“Let me feel into it”, I told him screening the situation with all of my senses.

Is it safe?

Is it what I want?

“What do you want…

Money? Conversation? Sex?” I asked him.

“The last two”, he answered honestly.

“I see… I can only give you the first two”, I responded.

“Ok”, he said “then we will have a conversation”.

“I don’t know why but I feel I need to be in your company”, he added.

I kept screening the situation and if the vibration of his words was in alignment with his body language.

I felt “yes” in my body and for a while more all of my senses kept screening in a relaxed way, without my active engagement.

He took me to the airport.

We shared a bit about ourselves on the way.

Before the airport, we stopped for breakfast at a cafe near the ocean and I could feel how the energy was moving in his body.

It was clearly Eros.

I received him with this energy without touch or words, right into my heart.

Slowly sipping my orange juice, enjoying the sea view and his company, at some point I looked him straight into the eyes and asked gently: “What’s on your heart?”, I could feel big pain.

He went silent for a moment and tears appeared on his face.




“My daughter”, he mumbled “she is in England with her mother. Her mother and I could not be together. My daughter is 6. I see her only once a year. I want to be next to her this winter, so she has a father. If I make it well this season, I’ll make it happen”, he said with a big doubt and turmoil.

His facial muscles were shaking, and after a while his whole body started shaking.

The energy was moving through him (Eros combined with Heart ). He had no clue what was going on with his body, and at the same time he felt totally at ease, looking into my eyes and allowing it to happen.

I breathed with him.

“You will spend winter in England, I feel it”, I said.

It will be in flow for you this season.

Enjoy every day and live with your open heart”.

I knew deep inside it would be exactly like this for him.

After the energy stopped doing its work, his face was lit up and eyes radiated light.

“Are you sure you are not open for the 3rd?”, he double checked.

I laughed and responded: “You would not be a man if you did not try again, he? I honor you for expressing your desire. And I also honor you for respecting my No.”

Southern men are known to move fast.

When the penny dropped, he got up and said “Alright, let’s go”, he took me to the airport.

After he left, I wondered “What was his name…?”