Day 7 in Tamera

The whole idea of free love and sexuality is embedded into a bigger framework of living your truth and following your heart in all areas of life.

The collective human context is ruled a Global

Entity (System) that promotes how things “should be”. This field is dominant and we either live from it or are impacted by it one way or another. The main trait of the System is Control.

Because the collective context ruled by the System is dominant, most of us inevitably grow up in a twisted way in accordance with the System’s values and requirements of how one needs to be a good human being, how to be be in a relationship, etc.

We know we are part of the System the moment we say “I or s/he should or should not…”

Freedom implies having sovereignty to be and act in ways that are aligned with your deepest core, beyond the shoulds and should not’s imposed by the collective.

Freedom in love and sexuality means I am able to connect to my deepest core, feel what I need and desire, and dare to live it in sensitivity with my direct and indirect environment.

Liberating love and sexuality from dogma’s of society may look differently for each of us.

Whoever chooses this journey of liberation is going to experience not only expansion but also will be greatly challenged. Because breaking down inner structures of beliefs goes together with intense feelings including pain, disappointment, confusion.

Many people who meet pain or disappointment on this journey may make a conclusion: “If it hurts so much, it means it’s not for me.”

I like to see these states and feelings as evolutionary edges that indicate where we reached the limit of our comfort, of what we know and familiar with.

And at the same time, I stand for freedom that each of us can embark on the journey of unveiling truth or not. In the first place, there should be a desire to walk this path. If no desire, then also no need to walk it. If the desire is there, it requires not only courage, but also capacity and right conditions.

Tamera suggests to create these conditions to support a human being to walk the journey of liberation in love and sexuality:

1. Community or a supportive social structure. It can also be a circle of friends with the right context, or a mentor who is one or more steps ahead.

It’s key so that we don’t need to circle all the issues that come up to the person we relate with, as it can be too heavy for them.

2. Trauma-informed space or access to a therapist who is on the same level of vision and context for life.

How can we regulate our nervous system when we need it?

3. Spiritual anchor. To build/have primary relationship with something higher than yourself and your partner. God/dess, Source, Higher Wisdom.

With love,

Alexa Mira