"HOW WAS Module 1 with a TV crew?!"

I received lots of messages with this question today.


It was deeply moving what happened in the last 4 days. Every day, several times a day, my heart was touched unexpectedly and I often found myself in tears. Tears of incredible power of connection, of collective wisdom, of love which weaves all polarities when we put our HEART on the forefront. Every single human that was present there touched me in one way or the other and I believe that no one escaped from being touched.

One couple celebrated their 30th anniversary on the last day of the retreat. The woman invited her man to step into Tantra together. He came because she asked. They both left re-born. Her intention was Connection. Real connection with her partner. He accessed his emotions (his Heart!), his feminine side, and through this could come in contact with his power, his masculine presence. They got Connection and so much more.

And this is just one of the 30 stories I can tell about each of the participants.

The TV crew presence

At the start, we addressed the pink elephant. We asked them to introduce themselves and for about 10 minutes, we made them explicitly visible & feelable for all of us so we could include them energetically. We also opened the space to all of us to share how we feel about their presence. Once this was done, for me it felt like it all became just one process, not two separate processes. It's incredible how flexible consciousness is, because I had no clue how it would play out in reality, but even participants who were initially strongly doubting about the TV crew being there, had no trouble with it during the retreat, and I even read a few testimonials today where participants shared how it even enriched their experience.

And for me this is yet another example how we, humans, often want a perfect world, a perfect life, perfect circumstances, perfect according to the internal limitations created in language, and Tantra opens us up to see how life doesn't care about perfection. How all is welcome and is a mirror for us to see the layers of limitations we consciously or unconsciously impose on ourselves. And that in the end everything becomes insignificant in the presence of Love & Truth.

This whole project of aligning for the filming to happen started from October 2022 onwards, and it felt very smooth, even though the initial contact person who started working with me on this from the TV program side left in the middle of the project, and a whole new alignment needed to be created with another key person and the rest of the crew. About 20 potential participants did not join this Module 1 edition because of TV presence. The size of the group (40 people) was just perfect for the NEW experience we all stepped into. I would not go bigger in the near future.

There was only one moment on day 1 when I had to re-align with the TV crew (miscommunication) and once we did, the rest of the retreat flowed.

Almost all TV crew members cracked in tears over the course of the retreat, from witnessing what was happening in the space. The director of the TV program said "I did not even know that something like this existed. It touches me so deeply. I can now see why I felt the calling to be here personally". The soundman said he was profoundly touched these days and re-connected with the love and wisdom of his mother. "It felt like Home" for him.

I am curious how it will ALL look in 1 episode. They collected so much video material, having filmed for 8-10 hours a day. And it's just for one episode. If they wanted to, they could make a whole season of 10 episodes out of it.

I felt the respect and openness from their side to attune to us, and this was key to have them in a Tantra space.

And the venue was so beautiful and suitable for this context. Just GRAND! We are coming back there again on August 25-31st for Modules 1 and 2 together. It felt like being in a church, literally.


People who held space with me were absolutely incredible. Most of them are already long term friends. It was one of the retreats when I literally could let go of control for any practical stuff. Dylan was right next to me all the time, in his power and clarity. The team coordinator Agata Kempa danced with the assisting team in such a graceful flow, in a relaxed body and with a sensual glowing smile all the way through.

Laya Poortvliet was of a tremendous support with individual Tantra Massage and De-armoring sessions. One day she had 5 massages!!! I said "Laya, how are you doing it?!" And then I smiled and remembered "It must be the same way how we all do it for 15 hours every day during the retreat", which doesn't feel like work that requires energy to be honest. It's just Life happening.

Gert Lemmens, our hugging master, always with an open heart, was there with us too. He is assisting with me since the beginnings of times... haha, since the beginnings of the Temple of Tantric Arts. And now he also offers Tantra Massage and De-armoring sessions in my retreats. Love having him in the space time and again.

Michael Bentein, the Shibari practitioner, was working individually with couples during the long breaks, inviting them into deep experiences of surrender together. It's a rock solid man, big build up, strong posture... and through this work he also accessed and developed his feminine side and opened his heart. I love seeing tears in his eyes from being touched by Life.

Jurn, Isaura, and Bodhi were present as assistants, wow!

Isaura had a Kundalini process going on, which kick-started for her in her Module 3 "Unleash your Ecstatic Potential" participation, and got re-ignited in this Module 1 with a fresh force. She is a last year violin student and is now on a journey of weaving music with spirituality.

Jurn is a responsibility master, having an amazing overview, seeing what needs to happen, who needs a hand, being a camera man when needed, and whatever else. Super curious and open spirit! Wow, made me lough so hard on the last day at the closure - love it!

Bodhi is a flow master, love current. He is just radiating this peace and "all is well" vibe, embracing people with openness and love. Safe, very safe.

Sofie Hugelier catered delicious vegetarian meals for us. She is a powerhouse! All on her own... breakfasts, lunches, dinners and breaks for 4 days in a row, always fresh meals for 40 people!

Thanks to all of you, beautiful people, for your trust, for being You!

Content and Soft in my heart.

Lots of love,

Alexa Mira

PS: not everyone who was in Module 1 is present on the photo here, in full respect for their desire to remain confidential.

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