Sacred Intimacy & Sexuality — Temple of Tantric Arts

Sacred Intimacy & Sexuality

If I wished ONE thing for any living human being on this planet it would be to experience the SACREDNESS of being Alive, of our Body, of Life Energy.


Because it changes E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.

Sacredness stands synonymous for me with Innocence.

The one word we collectively don't immediately associate with Sexuality.


Of being alive

Of having a beating heart

Of having breathing lungs

Of having the sexual pulse

The SEXUAL PULSE is at the root of our very existence.

Suppression and denial of the innocence of sexual energy brought us to the society we have today.

Society living from the Head.

Disconnected from the Heart.

Disconnected from the Body.

With energy accumulation in the Sexual Center, not allowed to flow anywhere but out.

It's sad.

It's really sad.

And yes, I also did not know better until one day.

That one day, my life changed.

That day, I inhabited my BODY without shame (I was 35). For the very first time!

Shame that was part of me when I was growing up.

The SHAME-ful state I knew oh so well that I even thought it was WHO I WAS.

That very shame unconsciously steered my decisions in the choice of partners, of sexual contacts, of jobs, and more.

That one day, I literally descended into my womb, and the sacredness of this BODY was revealed to me.

I cried rivers... tears of liberation from the shackles of UNTRUTH... tears of enormous celebration!

This Body.

And this Life that I can live thanks to this Body.

All I could utter in that moment while kneeling deep to the ground was:

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

It was revealed to me that this Body is a Portal.

A portal into knowing our true nature.

This body that you are inhabiting right now is a PORTAL.

Can you b-e-l-i-e-v-e it?

Many of us can't even imagine this because we treat our Bodies as a garbage bin or something we can use to consume life.

What a disgrace.

How could we forget?

Really. It hurts deep in my heart.

This forgetfulness,

Our consumerist attitude towards our own Body reflects how we treat the Body of this planet Earth.

And this planet Earth is also a Portal. But we don't see it and don't even realize that it could be something like this. So we simply consume it and use it for our mundane entertainment.

And this is where TANTRA is calling us to wake up and to remember.

Remember the Natural, remember the Sacred, remember the Innocent.

Because when we do remember, the natural desire to protect arises.

To protect the sacred. From our own identities, in the first place. Phew!

If you ask me about sexuality, I could not care less about genital friction between me and my partner.

Yes, sure, it feels good on a physical level and it gives local short-term pleasure sensations, but there is SO MUCH MORE we humans can tap into when it comes to sexuality.

Why do we settle for peanuts when we can have the whole Universe?

The UNION that becomes possible between human beings is the UNIVERSE itself opening up and showering with grace and love.

And to be able to open up to experience this, for ourselves and in relationships, we need to do some inner work.

We'd need to learn to recognize, see through and release conditioned stuff we accumulated over a lifetime.

We'd need to rewire our attitude towards Ourselves, towards our Partner, towards Life at large.

We'd need to see our Body and Sexuality with NEW beginner's eyes.

We'd need to be willing to open up to FEEL everything and go through layers that separate us from Truth.

We'd need to be willing to sacrifice our attachments to the Known, and open up to feel insecurity and fear that comes with stepping into the Unknown.

We'd need to embrace our individual wounding and trauma's as part of the path.

We'd need to cultivate deep TRUST.

There is some work to be done, but it's so much easier and fun to do it while being guided by someone who took this steps too, and being supported by a community of people on a similar path.

People who refuse to settle for mundane life, mundane relationships, mundane sex.

People who know in their core that there is MORE to life than what we've been told by the system, society, parents, schools, government.

People who long for depth and authenticity, inner freedom and courage to live this LIFE in OWN unique way, each playing their own tune in the BIG ORCHESTRA of life.

If you recognize yourself in it and you feel called to journey in this direction with us, I invite you to join the next cycle of the 1 Year Program "Expansion into Love" starting on August 25-31st with Module 1 & Module 2 which will focus on Sacred Intimacy & Sexuality (note: sex is not part of the program).


Last week, we secured a better deal this year with our venues of choice (by booking all retreats for next year with them!), and we are now able to offer better prices for you when booked in advance! We are so excited about it because the last thing I wish is that people get stopped by money.

The Early Early Bird offer is valid till May 15th, 2023, with a special discount for Couples.

AND we are also opening 10 spots for younger people between 18 and 25 years old to join Modules 1 & 2 at a highly discounted price to meet the lower budget of this age group. ALL younger people who attended our modules until now shared with us "Why didn't they teach this to us at school? Everyone needs to know this. This is priceless wisdom for a lifetime."

For more details and registration, you are welcome to follow these links

This coming weekend, we invite you to come and dance Tantric Dance with us near Brussels on April 1st and in Hasselt on April 2nd! All details about it and ticket links you will find on our website calendar.

With lots of love,

Alexa Mira