
Sometimes you have a great match with someone.

Be it a friend. A colleague. A partner. A tribe. A job.

It may last a week, a month, a year, many years.

And one day you may realize it is no longer.

Suddenly you see you have grown apart, have different values, different outlooks, different ideas about things.

No need to make anyone wrong.

Different is not wrong.

Don’t force current connection into what it used to be.

Thank each other from your heart for the beautiful time and connection you shared. And also for the struggles you possibly grew from.

Take a break from each other.

For a week, a month, a year, many years.

Stay open that life may bring you together again one day. Possibly in a different form. Or not at all.

This can be the highest act of LOVE.


The third season for raspberries in our garden this year. Who would have thought?