One of those sleepless nights again.
I'm getting a clear guidance since several days. This is also keeping me awake now.
"Step into a deeper committed daily Tantric/Yogic sadhana."
Those of you who know me intimately, are already aware that I live Tantra. That it's not just a hobby or a profession. It's a path that I'm devoted to. And the guiding light in this is my own soul.
While having been knocked down with flu this week (blessed again ), I used the time to create space and structure for the sadhana. My heart was glowing from the mere outlook to devote myself to practice in the coming days, months (years?). This sweet feeling in my lower belly and my heart that I'm very well aware of.
The mind is not sleeping, and makes me aware of the possible dangers.
Today was Day 1.
The feeling I had during the practice and ever since was and is deep coming home.
Each time such clear guidance came through, it marked a turning point in my life.
"Stop Everything, Go Nowhere" was the last equally strong clear guidance in 2016. I surrendered to it back then, after processing grief and fears for months before I left my ex- partner and quit the job as a consciousness trainer, literally stepping into the Unknown with just a suitcase and no idea where it will bring me. Yet, it felt like the only right thing to do.
It pretty quickly brought me to the depths of the Tantric path.
For the past 6 years, I had a feeling of being guided each next step precisely. Since early fall this year it started getting a bit blurry... until not long after, I felt the calling to Discover my Edge, to Step into Adventure again.
What is my edge?
What is this longing to get to know my edge about?
I say Yes.
Last days have been blessed with clarity, ever since I had Covid19 and went into a physical meltdown. The slowing down to such a degree was a gift. Something in me wanted to deeply respect this space of inner silence that emerged after quarantine, and not fill it in with things.
2 weeks after recovering, the inner guidance started getting more and more clear with nuances and details.
I started noticing it in the first module 3 last month. I suddenly started seeing things in participants I haven't been perceptive to the same degree before. I could literally see how their bodies held them imprisoned. I could perceive which parts of the body had almost no life energy flow through, and which parts were free. And also how it impacted the workings of their mind, and their lives, and vice versa. It was also very visible for me if they were busy physically or energetically, and the impact of practices on them in the way they held their body.
It struck me how visible it suddenly became.
I advised to several of my students individually to start with yoga or martial arts after the module, in order to become more aware of their bodies and energy flow. It was clear that for several of them, these blockages, if unaddressed, would hold them back from next steps on their Tantric path.
In the past few days I got clarity that this theme stretches out to me too. The message that was for them was also for me.
"Step into Tantric/Yogic sadhana."
Most of the practices I'll be doing daily on my own. And for some practices, I'd like to invite Tantrikas who are also on a committed tantric path to join and practice with me (literally, in a physical space). Next to my relationship partner Dylan, I'm calling in more Men, Women and possibly also Non-binary beings. I feel a strong calling to practice with different energies.
You don't need to be a Tantric master or a professional (although it can), but someone who is genuinely on your path. I am not looking for students, or to teach in this context here (although it can). I am looking for peers, even though our Tantric practice degrees may vary.
Timeframe: starting between now and June 2022.
Practice location: Tongeren, Belgium.
Disclosure: I'm not looking for Seks (for those who might ignorantly link Tantra to sex ), but for a deeper integration/ in-sight into who I am and all of existence, emBODYing it.
If it resonates, send me a PM me with a genuine & authentic introduction. Otherwise, I reserve the right to not respond.