Love is the biggest power

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Love is the biggest power.

Since last night, I've started getting some "downloads", or in other words highly energetic and meaningful messages/insights. It happens each time before I embark on being in service of transformation that something bigger opens up and I am in awe of what is being communicated through me.

This time it is a Conscious Relationship Journey that is starting tonight and to which 15 couples said yes.

Yesterday, before falling asleep, in the in-between state, I got a message "Love is the biggest power". Loud and clear. It went straight into my heart and created a soft expansion. I took a deep breath and the message started unpacking with images and insights.

I share here a little snapshot of what meaning is opening up when I tune into the energy of this message. It's not easy to capture it's power in words.

When we fall in love, it's so easy to love and to embrace the other in totality, with all their qualities and traits. It's a magical time that brings us to the desired land of "everything is possible", beautiful feelings, experience very close to unconditional love. It's a state we love to experience because for some time - sometimes months or even a couple of years - all is just flowing and magical.

And then the next stage inevitably starts. The stage of polarities. Where we see the differences, where we don't experience unconditional love, where we don't necessarily feel that our relational needs are fulfilled.

This latter stage invites us to not be in reaction to love like when we fall in love, but to become a source of love and to embrace ourselves and our partner from love and co-create the relationship moment by moment, dancing with what is, which is ever changing.

This is where we are invited to step into our deeper heart, deeper love, deeper compassion. To open up the mental boundaries. To question ideas of how a relationship "should be". To heal unfulfilled childhood needs. In order for our hearts to keep expanding and deepening in their capacity to love.

Love is the biggest power.

It's not what happens to us in life or in relationship, but from which context we live towards whatever happens. Embracive and compassionate love is the context which is the glue that weaves polarities together. It is the context in which things can't fail. It is the context in which everything has space to be, even the things we don't like.

I am deeply honored to kick off the journey for couples tonight. The journey into deeper Love, Connection and Intimacy.

In tonight's date night, couples will start creating an embodied Common Vision for their Relationship from a high energetic state, which they will generate together through a powerful ritual. And from there the magic of the journey will start unfolding.

Grateful for the message received and bowing to the power of Love.