OSHO Chakra breathing meditation


Alisia, our little daughter, is our natural alarm clock. She wakes up with the first sun light and falls asleep with darkness of the night.

This morning she was awake shortly before 6am and so were we. 😄✌️

I joined the workshop "OSHO Chakra breathing meditation" with Jacobijn Erdtsieck this morning at 7am.

What a powerful way to start a day and a whole week!

Years ago, when I just learned this meditation, I used to passionately hate it, because it was SUCH an effort for me to breathe intensely in and out through my mouth. My Tantra teacher at that time (Pema Gitama 🙏) saw it and came to me.

"I see you struggle with breathing IN and therefore you stay in your head. How much LIFE do you usually allow in?" she asked me.

What a powerful question she asked!

It hit me that I was very comfortable with breathing OUT, but struggling with breathing IN because I still struggled with things like Receiving, fully Allowing pleasure in my body, Surrendering.

It was an eye opener for me.

She suggested to not force the breath in, but to relax into it, to simply allow it to happen.

In the next meditation, I broke down in tears as I could feel how contracted my body was, how little I was letting IN. But with a new awareness I could continue and I kept opening up while focusing on the IN-breath.

That insight and consequently the meditation that followed changed so much in my life. I looked at my resistance to things in a different light, and by starting to breath IN, I started allowing LIFE to fill me more and more. From there that this meditation is incredible for ALIVENESS and ABUNDANCE of energy.

Each time I do it, something new happens or opens up, and even if nothing happens during the meditation, it has a strong impact on how I go through the day & next days.

This morning, for instance, I had a strong opening in my THROAT area, like breath was happening by itself, so wide, so spacious, while at the same time feeling contraction in the middle back. As I kept breathing through, I felt an emotion of gratitude rising and the realization "Let your voice come from your Body". And this is exactly the message I need right now.

Next OSHO Chakra Breathing Meditation will happen again on Monday morning with Inge Prins in NL (and consequently each Monday morning) to kick start a new week! And Jacobijn Erdtsieck will lead another meditation next week "OSHO Kundalini Meditation".

Alexa Mira 💋