Mother's heart

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Mother's Heart

It's the most loving, giving and all forgiving heart in the whole world.

We all come from a Mother. Mother in a physical sense and Mother in a nature/energy sense which includes both physical mother & father and beyond.

With my physical mother, I developed quite a conflict during my upbringing. And even then, she did her best, the best she knew to do. She gave it all. Today she tells me that if she had known better she'd do it differently, but at that time, this was the best she knew. She cried when she said it.

I get you, mom. It's probably the most ungrateful thing that children can do. Not to appreciate the totality of your heart, but judge some specific behaviours and amplify them to a degree which creates separation. It hurt you so much.

I truly believe that each mother does the best she can for her children. We ARE given the best at each moment.

Now, like never before, with all my cells I feel the expression "You are infinitely loved".

Because we are. We all come from Her.

Mother holds us forever in her unconditional Heart. And it will never change.