the desire to PLAY

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As we are transitioning into a new phase in our family life because Alisia is no longer a baby, she is becoming more of a toddler, and since a couple of weeks she goes to an amazing day care, this suddenly opened up a lot of space!

After 9 months of day-in day-out being a full-time mom, having a prolonged ME-time feels like a forgotten paradise. I so enjoyed the first days of silence, self-nourishment, rest, walks, baths, taking time for E-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g.

And now, since a few days I feel the desire to PLAY. To play with my man, to play with my daughter (yes, not only taking care of her needs), to reach out and play with others.

As corona lockdown was announced, I felt the calling to connect with people, not in a mental space, but in energy, in spirit... to have fun together. I felt like connecting in a way that bypasses habitual ways of interacting, stepping out of mental frameworks. Again, an element of a play attracted me. Thousands of orange juice drops – explosion – out of the box!

I reached out to a few people that popped up in my mind as being playful, creative and just fun people to be around, and offered to create a few connection circles together in the online space. To simply have a good time together.

One of such circles is taking place tomorrow evening at 7:30pm CET devoted to the theme "Corona calls for our deeper Potential". I’ll hold this circle together with Liesbeth Deckers who is passionate about cards. She has about 35 card decks in her collection as she works with them professionally! By the way, I love how her passion is hidden in her family name – year, right?

The focus in this connection circle will be on ourselves in these strange times. Who would imagine even 1 year ago that some kind of virus with all the consequences that it brings would become our reality, right? As this time challenges me, us, you, I am living in a question: what’s in it for me to learn, to grow, to expand? What’s the deeper meaning I want to harness in this situation that supports me and people around me. And you know… I don’t think the deeper answers to these questions can be found through the mind.

And what a magnificent way to tap into our inner wisdom through magic, mystery, unseen, untouchable, yet which can have a profound and tangible impact on our life. Cards are a fantastic tool to make direct contact with Spirit. Liesbeth Deckers works with Lenormand cards, Oracle cards and Tarot cards. They are messengers that give access to the invisible world.

Welcome to join us tomorrow if you resonate!

The more the merrier. All details are in the event description: