Have you ever wondered if you live an authentic life?
And if it's at all a good idea.
For me, Authenticity has always been one of the themes that fascinated me the most, next to the themes of Inner Freedom and Death.
I've deepened my understanding of authenticity over years and each time a new layer was revealed, it was comparable to shedding skin and coming even more home.
The more I welcomed authenticity in my own life, the less questions remained about who I am, how I create my reality and what drives it all.
Search for authenticity started for me in an early age when I realized that my family was full of secrets: I was wondering what would happen if all these secrets were revealed one day. I saw how many dark energetic twists these secrets/lies were creating in the whole family system.
I observed the consequences of living an inauthentic life...
People usually feel 'lost', not knowing who they are any more, not knowing what their life is about, being confused in duality of their minds, doubt and fear are very common frequencies.
The guiding light for these people is typically what they learned as being good and bad, how they "should be", how others "should be", how life "should be".
On a superficial level, it may all seem clear, but deep inside on an existential level these people are utterly confused.
Authenticity is not the same as being true about your thoughts and feelings, beliefs and ideas. I'd rather call this Honesty. Honesty is part of authenticity, but it's by far not the whole deal.
Authenticity contains the word "author" in it.
Being the AUTHOR of your own life. Drawing your life from your deepest longing and heart's desire and surrendering to it versus living from your conditioned self.
You can be honest about your feelings and thoughts, but this doesn't make you authentic.
Because if your thoughts and emotions are merely the product of your conditioned upbringing and social programming, and you are identified with them, there will be no light shining through you.
Authentic life leaves no questions about who you are, or what to do.
Like a bird naturally following its calling to sing and who doesn't doubt whether it needs to fly to the South or North in spring and fall. Similar to this bird, when we live an authentic life, every moment becomes naturally meaningful. Doubt is replaced by clarity.
Do you allow yourself to sing the song of your deepest longing and heart's desire?
You may be afraid. It's OK!
There is Courage in you that is stronger than any of your fears, and it's just waiting to serve you.
Alexa Mira 💋