i am ALIVE with all there is


I want to share something in order to fully bring it to Light.

I noticed that I usually share something on Facebook or in other social media in the moments of inspiration, when I feel uplifted, joyful or have an insight that I believe may be useful for others.

I don't share it here when I'm sad, or when I'm angry, or when something triggers me, or when I struggle with something.

Not that I have to.

But I asked myself why do I limit my sharings to inspiration only? And when I looked into it I realized there was a shadow.

My shadow was created by the desire to be seen in a particular light, namely happy, fulfilled, realized. And even though I can easily acknowledge all sides of myself with a lot of people when speaking one to one, when it comes to public sharings, the part of me that is not inspired or joyful remains in the shadow.

It's a Leo in me that wants to shine and be seen shining!

And it may create a wrong perception.

Some people contacted me in the past asking for support expecting I'd show them how to be joyful and inspired all the time.

They think I've got a magical recipe how to NOT feel the full range of emotions.

Nothing can be further from truth. I would not wish neither to myself nor to anyone in the whole world to only limit yourself to the experience of one or two 'pleasant' emotions.

I've got a recipe how to FEEL everything! How to experience all of life in all its colors.

Some of my biggest life lessons happened when I was in difficult situations coupled with experiencing 'unpleasant' mental and emotional states, be it pain or sorrow, indifference or confusion.

There were times when I did not see the point in living and I thought it would never pass. Grieving, desperate or in resignation.

It's by allowing all these experiences and emotions fully that I started hearing myself more, seeing that these are all human experiences that I may as well open up to and embrace fully.

There is one wish that I have deeply in my heart - it is to be ecstatically alive!

Aliveness means not avoiding any of life, facing it all, letting it touch me while staying fully and courageously open to it.

I just want to LIVE this life to the fullest, that's all!


About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.
