What is important for me? What do I want to live TODAY?


Today it's important for me to be true to the life energy that moves through me, to trust it, to stay tuned to the present moment and to follow that which unfolds right here right now.

Nowadays I don't often know why I make a step, why I'm moved to get in contact with someone. I just trust the movement that is calling me from inside. I often feel like a marionette in someone's hands and it's such a sweet feeling, because I just can relax and be steered, directed, turned. I am not attached to what happens as a result of this steering. Surrendering to its movement in itself is joy. 
My lover does it to me sometimes too and it gives such an incredible expansion when he finds the key to my door of surrender. This magnificent vast yet silent feeling of absolute surrender invites me to hand myself over to life in the same way... more and more.

I'm no longer interested to create from my mind. I still can, but I'm not interested. What a waste of energy. Mind has all these ideas and buying into them made me manipulate my life force for so many years. But I could not hear birds singing in the morning... So what's the point?

Asking the question "am I aligned with the life energy streaming through me?", first came chaos and confusion... 
Then a big clean up started! 
So many "have to's" and "how it best should" went out of the window. Life energy could not care less about my beliefs and ideas.
Phew it was needed!
A long period of Not knowing. 
Tiring, scary... yet so open and so free. 
I had no choice but to make peace with it. 
Yes, sometimes life doesn't give a choice. It calls for ultimate surrender and holds you unmovable until you let go...fully let go.
And when I did...after many long winter months... tiny sprouts of clarity started emerging, so joyfully showing their head... and impatience killing them right at the root!
Can't it go faster please?! 
It will unfold at its own speed. Trust. Just trust. There is no need to hurry whatsoever. 
Just be in the caring loving hands of life and listen. Listen and respond. Simply, elegantly, joyfully.

#lifeisapossibility #playofconsciousness



About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.
