"The fact that you are a Tantrika, does it mean that you are sexually open with many people?"


I got this questions asked a few times lately. 🙏

There are thousands of people in the world following a Tantra path and practicing Tantric sexuality and they all lead different life styles, participate in various relationship formats. There is no One way.

As for me, I’m sexually only open with my beloved. I long for my heart and body to be claimed solely by him. And, luckily, this is equally his desire too. This is what feels true to me in this relationship. This is what brings us to the sacred experience of Oneness.

I have no judgement of any other types of relationships, as in the past I experienced different ones myself, including monogamous, open, non-exclusive, “let’s see” types.

Everyone of us has a unique constellation of needs and desires as well as a level of awareness at any specific moment.

There was a time when I would not enter a relationship unless it was non-exclusive. I needed to experience my freedom and love beyond the relationship with one person. I wanted to experience my heart loving more than one person and beyond persons. I wanted to explore my inner world and limits to the fullest. It was a very useful and needed time as it allowed me to face feelings of jealousy, look at my attachments, observe the level of self-love depending on the complex dynamics that were happening back then. My goal at that time was enlightenment and I was willing to sacrifice everything for it, including my personality. I have not been a Tantrika at that time, or at least I did not call myself so. And I know many Tantrika's And Tantriks for whom this is reality right now.

So, being Tantric, doesn't mean one specific way of being, living or relating. I say "whatever is true for you". Because truth is the foundation for any honest experience.



About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.
