What are you guided by when making choices or taking decisions?


Yesterday, while being with other women in our nature women's temple, this question came up and I shared how I do it. 
It makes me smile to share it here with all of you.

Until I truly opened my heart, I made decisions primarily from the mind (including emotions). I looked at all the good reasons and bad reasons inside of my conditioned mind, felt the emotions, weighed the pro's and the con's and then made my conclusions. No wonder, by the time I was 29, even though my life looked perfect from outside, internally I ended up in quite a meaningless and desperate space of no joy, no passion, no aliveness.

After my heart opened through consciousness work and before Tantra entered my life, I recognized that I better follow my heart, because decisions made from my heart brought meaning and joy, and connected me to myself.

Today, I make almost no decision without involving my Yoni (a Sanskrit word for vagina). I discovered that she brings additional wisdom next to my heart. She is the seat of creativity and passion. I saw that sometimes, even though I may have a YES response from my mind and my heart, it is not certain that Yoni will also issue a Yes.

Even just recently I had to make a professional choice to continue working for an organization, or quit and completely lead my own retreats and programs. Mind and heart said "stay with the organization", Yoni said "quit!". I learned to trust her, because choices I make without her full Yes are usually the ones for which I won't have much creativity and energy anyway. They may make sense and may even be supported by the heart, yet when it comes to my life energy naturally flowing and expressing itself, such decisions may be a stopper.

What's the point of making a choice where my life energy, creativity and passion get cut off?

OK, sometimes it may be needed, but most of the time not.

So I listened to my Yoni and follow her, in spite of my mind not finding a single reason why it would be better. And the moment I made a decision honoring Her, it became so clear WHY that was the best choice! I got so much energy to CREATE, ideas started flowing without me thinking what's next, NEW clarity started emerging - I was amazed. Even fears, which were there before, disappeared.

If you want to experience Creativity and Passion in your life, consider involving your sexual center into decision making. Learn to listen to your Yoni (or Lingam for men) and enjoy Creating!



About us:

 Dylan and I met in May of 2017 and since then, we have been intensely together, first travelling and living in Thailand for 2 months, then travelling through Greece and Spain, until we decided to settle down in Belgium, where you will find us now.
