Phew! What a weekend!

Warm reunion with graduates.

Sweet and intimate co-creation. This has been so good to land in Belgium in the emotional body. Tribe is important. One graduate came from 5 years ago. She said “it felt like coming home”.

Temple Night.

Seeing and feeling the invisible.

It’s all a mirror. Precise and sharp.

SHE reflects exactly what one needs to see.

Are you ready to receive the GIFT?

Tantric Dance

I haven’t been in the TD space for a while.

Dylan took it to next level.

Today, we ached to MEET each other.

He asked me if he could meet me through anger.

He moved the energy in a dance and channeled it into our deepest encounter.

In this encounter, I met myself.

Remembrance that moved me to tears.

Inner Alchemy.