2023 RECAP

GOSH it was quite a YEAR! It's already over and I am still acknowledging it all, embracing all the challenges, and counting BLESSINGS.

It's really worth to stand still and glance back, because in daily life I often feel like I am not moving fast enough. Dylan always laughs about it "give me a BREAK!!"

SLOWING DOWN was one of the big lessons this year for me.

NO COMPROMISE the 2nd one.

KEEP YOUR HEART OPEN no matter what - the 3rd one.

I'd like to acknowledge and stand still by these MILESTONES. I...

realized the importance of a FAMILY this year like never before. Our family of 3, of course, and the extended family. It's a powerful energy, when in harmony . It backs you up, holds you, supports and nourishes.

cleared what was no longer aligned, i.e. I stopped giving bodywork sessions, stopped giving retreats that did not call in 2023 (Tantra Massage trajectory and retreats for women), completed some collaborations that had less than high vibe frequencies, stopped giving time to contacts with low receptivity (in the past, I used to give even when it was not received).

led 20+ deeply transformative long term coaching/mentoring trajectories for individuals and couples with various requests: from desire to manifest an aligned relationship, to being supported in re-alignment towards their Dharmic path, to creating harmony in a relationship, to healing attachment wounds, to stopping to play small & being fully expressed, to claiming sensual and erotic power, to guiding couples in opening or closing their relationship, to supporting during transitions, other.

created overall much more space for SELF-care (spa get-aways, yoga, massages, friends, nature, studies, dance, travels)

said YES to my calling to travel regularly and shift frequencies. 7 incredible trips building one on another like beads: Turkey, Portugal (3 times!), Sweden-Germany-Denmark, Israel, Bali! Not as a tourist, but because there was something meaningful calling me there.

facilitated 11 retreats in our 1 Year Tantra program (some co-led with other facilitators). Each one of them was a gem on its own. Grateful for a renewed solid team that has been forming to support and assist in retreats. A closer core has been forming requesting me to teach them to do this work under the Temple of Tantric Arts umbrella.

consolidated our 1 year retreats from 4-days formats into 7-8 days formats - BEST thing we've done as it took the work to a whole new dimension of depth!

had a TV crew from a Belgian program filming one of our Tantra retreats. It will be aired in summer/autumn 2024. It was supposed to be aired this year, but VTM has delayed the airing of all 8 episodes, not only ours.

launched and led a new DHARMIC LIVING retreat as part of the 1 Year Tantra Program "Expansion into Love", which rooted and confirmed my deeper calling and purpose I'm to serve here in this lifetime.

together with an amazing team, gave birth to the Big Family Gathering, a body aware festival for FAMILIES (adults and children together), where we had the most profound experience of being ONE FAMILY!

We come back together again in 2024!

took several social media breaks throughout the year following the calling here too, and creating even more space in my life for CREATIVITY

had the biggest year financially under the motto "LESS is MORE" - it was wonderful to see how going only for what felt MOST aligned was creating not only a deeper impact but also more value financially.

attended 4 retreats to nourish myself this year:

1. Introduction into Open Love & Sexuality @Tamera Community in Portugal,

2. Dark Temple in Israel (I would not recommend it to others but it was very meaningful for me, our relationship, and future co-creation with Dylan),

3. BDSI pathways in Belgium

4. Temptress Retreat in Bali

attended 3 family festivals with Dylan and Alisia

1. Surya in Belgium

2. Bonobos in Belgium

3. YogaMela in Sweden

found a high vibe place to live for me & us as a family - I thought it would be Portugal, but it turned out to be BALI. It lits my SOUL.

expanded my capacity to hold space for discomfort in our relational polarities with Dylan - that was quite an initiation and we are so happy we are through! We will share so much wisdom about it with you all, so it may serve many couples. No need to re-discover America. Columbus already did!

shifted the form of our relating into open, which means we opened up not only emotionally and energetically, but also sexually. After 6,5 years of monogamy. Even our trio a couple of years ago where we invited another woman to join us was monogamous. This step feels very natural for both of us, because there is so much TRUST and FOUNDATION built over the years.

addressed my motherhood difficulties through an energetic ancestry line clean up process and moved from frequent difficulty to be with my daughter (who is according to Dylan and all grandma's the loveliest and easiest child on the planet) to settling down more into my role as a mother.

in Q1, upon advice of a friend who built a house from crypto earnings, I took a risk and invested in crypto and first lost almost 50% and then gained almost 100%. Those who don't risk, don't drink champagne, they say.

in Q1, for the first time, I decided to invest €17k into a mentoring program and quit it after 2 months because it did not feel aligned, without seeing my money back. It was a painful and yet the best decision I could make. Firstly, because it was a YES to myself in terms of investment (I DESERVE IT) and quitting it was a YES to me living in line with authenticity, freedom and alignment. DON'T COMPROMISE!

In Q4, I invested €15k to join a mastermind group of women who are passionate to create & manifest from their HEART's DESIRES, to nurture my sense of INSPIRATION and to be surrounded by kick-ass passionate fearless female leaders who serve the world in all kinds of meaningful ways.

and last but not least, I learned to drive scooter (big overcoming of my childhood trauma!), learned ChatGPT (still a lot to learn!), organized monthly neighbor-kids coming together to play in our house, started teaching Alisia English to prepare for Bali international school, and more!

What a year! What a ride! So much can happen in 365 days!

Now... with all of this acknowledged in my HEART, I feel the desire to open the space to ENVISION & CREATE 2024!

Each year, I consciously take time to cast a projection on the year to come so it gets the MOMENTUM from my deepest heart's desire. I back it up with some powerful ENERGETIC eros practices.

This year, I will do it TOGETHER with other 20+ gorgeous humans, friends and graduates, this coming Sunday to ENVISION and launch 2024 into MANIFESTATION, and seal it with a SENSUAL celebration!

(It's already FULL ).

I'd love to extend this opportunity to a broader community by offering a FREE MASTERCLASS on Tuesday, January 9th at 8pm CET via ZOOM. If you feel a YES to ENVISION & LAUNCH your 2024 into CREATION, backing it up with a powerful energetic practice, comment YES in the comments below.

Lots of love,

Alexa Mira