Portugal, a place to live?

Spaciousness… air… wind… combined with warmth and beauty.

This is my medicine.

It ignites my fire to burn bright.

Do I resonate with Portugal as a place to live?

In many aspects - yes.

(to be explored further this summer with the family ).

It was my 3rd visit to Portugal in a span of the last 10 years, and this time we knew a couple of people who live there in the area of Colares and Cascais. It’s a game changer. Being merely a tourist never allows you to discover the place to the same depth as with people who live there and love it.

Portugal, real-estate wise, is already much more expensive than it used to be even just 2-5 years ago, and prices keep rising. I was unpleasantly surprised browsing the local estate sites for Sintra, Cascais and Lisbon. These are most up market areas. But there are also areas that are in development and more affordable.

It’s very international already, and yet everywhere you feel the local Portuguese presence and touch. We met people from all corners of this planet, what a diversity.

Our daily routine was max!

Sleeping in without an alarm clock, starting a day with local papaya, yoga and beach, delicious brunch in a local organic place, and then taking off on a daily adventure.

Only 6 days and a complete reset!

Magical combination of key elements.

Belgium, when I stay here long, feels heavy and Earthy for me, it impacts my fire. Density of population, weather, architecture make me want to fly out regularly. Peace and safety and opportunities are amazing in Belgium, yet joie de vivre is something I connect more easily to in sunnier cultures.

Back recharged and happy, I am re-united with the family. My daughter had fever and gladly crawled into me in the night and this morning, and is already feeling better. Gosh, I missed them this time so much. Having good time in Portugal amplified my desire to be together. We did 50k on the bikes today all together and she loved it, we sang songs and screamed from joy!

Happy to start preparations for next week’s retreat “Unleash your ecstatic potential”, and reconnecting with the Temple of Tantric Arts community.