Willing to look into my pain

If I’m willing to look into my pain rather than avoid it, I become stronger… every time.

The last four days, I spent holding sacred space for a group of courageous people. They signed up for a TANTRA MASSAGE course, but they had little clue really what they signed up for.

We started with slowing down… not just a bit but like 10-fold. And then we slowed down even more… until they could feel everything that rises within them moment to moment.

The biggest challenge was to get them to stop the habitual talking/chatting, because this is how most of the population on this planet avoids feeling. By TALKING.

Instead, I invited them to FEEL.

And in parallel we started waking up the LIFE ENERGY.

Life energy starts awakening not only PLEASURE but also all limiting beliefs, incomplete stress cycles, suppressed emotions and even trauma’s.


All of what was hidden in the dark starts coming to the light. At a wise pace, dosed exactly in the best possible measure, the Goddess says: “Look at this. Feel this. Love this.”

Some of them “died” in the process, and got re-born in a new quality. Others confronted parts they were terrified to acknowledge in themselves. Yet others shared that the “castles” they’ve built in their heads crumbled.

Step by step, really slowly, looking at all of this, giving it space to feel, to heal, to integrate, something new emerges. And this NEW is so quiet and of a different quality that one needs to be still enough to notice.

A new space in which feelings are not denied but embraced (all of them!), where polarities are not judged but celebrated, where trauma is seen as the creator of a crack where Love can pour in.

Nothing to get rid of, but to embrace and love… all parts of ourselves.

Tantra massage is not about techniques.

It’s about the quality of consciousness that serves awakening. I care that practitioners learn to welcome all parts of themselves unconditionally, so they can do the same for others afterwards. This is a profound transformation process, with such tremendous beauty that each time I come out of processes like this I feel deep awe and gratitude.

Blessed we are to do this together.

#templeoftantricarts #wearedoingthistogether